Welcome to OpenQAOA’s documentation!
OpenQAOA is an advanced multi-backend SDK for quantum optimization designed to ease research efforts within the VQA environment while ensuring the reliability and reproducibility of results. The library is divided into individually installable backend plugins. The core functionalities of the package are contained within openqaoa-core, required to run QAOA computations on any Quantum hardware or simulator. Further it includes openqaoa-qiskit, openqaoa-pyquil, openqaoa-azure, openqaoa-braket for running QAOA on devices accessible through the respective cloud providers. Installing any plugin through PyPI ships openqaoa-core along with it to provide the complete set of tools required to run QAOA computations. Users can also easily install all OpenQAOA plugins available by installing openqaoa through PyPI. The openqaoa metapackage easily manages all OpenQAOA plugins and their dependencies. Users can also install openqaoa in developer mode by git cloning the repository and executing the install Makefile, instructions for which are provided in the installation section below. This allows users to easily contribute to the OpenQAOA project.
Key features of OpenQAOA:
- Simple yet customizable workflows for QAOA and RQAOA deployable on
IBMQ devices
Rigetti Quantum Cloud Services
Amazon Braket
Microsoft Azure Quantum
Local simulators (including Rigetti QVM, IBM Qiskit-Aer, and Entropica Labs’ vectorized simulator and unit-depth QAOA analytical simulator)
- Multiple parametrization strategies:
Standard, Fourier, and Annealing
Each class can be further controlled by selecting standard or extended parameter configurations
- Multiple Initliaisation strategies:
Linear ramp, random, and custom
- Multiple Mixer Hamiltonians:
x and xy
- The optimization loop includes:
SciPy Optimisers
Custom gradient SciPy optimizers
Getting started
OpenQAOA provides several installation options to choose from. The package consists of openqaoa-core and backend specific modules that let users selectively install the provider they wish to run QAOA on. For instance, openqaoa-qiskit enables QAOA computations on IBMQ devices and simulators, and qiskit supported devices. For a complete installation including all supported cloud providers, users can simply install the full openqaoa metapackage. Do note, openqaoa-core is a dependency for all backend specific modules and the full openqaoa pacakge. Therefore, it ships by default with all flavors of OpenQAOA installations.
You can install the latest variants of OpenQAOA directly from PyPI. First, we recommend you create a virtual environment with python>=3.10 and then pip install openqaoa variants with the following commands - To install full OpenQAOA with all backend plugins and the openqaoa metapackage, users can
pip install openqaoa
To install specific backend plugin versions of OpenQAOA, users can install openqaoa-{plugin}, where plugin is populated with the backend of choice
pip install openqaoa-plugin
Alternatively, you can install manually directly from the GitHub repository by
Clone the git repository:
git clone https://github.com/entropicalabs/openqaoa.git
We recommend creating a new python virtual environment, for instance, using conda. Instructions on how to create a virtual environment using Anaconda can be found [here](https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-environments.html#creating-an-environment-with-commands). Make sure to use python 3.8 (or newer) for the environment.
After cloning the repository cd openqaoa and pip install the package.
pip install .
Additionally, users can install OpenQAOA in the developer mode via the Makefile. For a clean editable install of the package run the following command from the openqaoa folder.
make dev-install
The package can be installed as an editable with extra requirements defined in the setup.py. If you would like to install the extra requirements to be able run the tests module or generate the docs, you can run the following
make dev-install-x, with x = {tests, docs, all}
Should you face any issue during the installation, please drop us an email at openqaoa@entropicalabs.com or open an issue!
Your first QAOA workflow
Workflows are a simplified way to run end to end QAOA or RQAOA. In their basic format they consist of the following steps.
First, create a problem instance. For example, an instance of vertex cover:
from openqaoa.problems import MinimumVertexCover
import networkx
g = networkx.circulant_graph(6, [1])
vc = MinimumVertexCover(g, field =1.0, penalty=10)
qubo_problem = vc.qubo
Where [networkx](https://networkx.org/) is an open source Python package that can easily, among other things, create graphs.
Once the binary problem is defined, the simplest workflow can be defined as
from openqaoa import QAOA
q = QAOA()
Workflows can be customised using some convenient setter functions. First, we need to set the device where we want to execute the workflow
from openqaoa import create_device
qiskit_sv = create_device(location='local', name='qiskit.statevector_simulator')
Then, the QAOA parameters can be set as follow
# circuit properties
q.set_circuit_properties(p=2, param_type='standard', init_type='rand', mixer_hamiltonian='xy')
# backend properties (already set by default)
q.set_backend_properties(prepend_state=None, append_state=None)
# classical optimizer properties
q.set_classical_optimizer(method='nelder-mead', maxiter=200,
optimization_progress=True, cost_progress=True, parameter_log=True)
Currently, the available devices are:
Device location |
Device Name |
local |
[‘qiskit_shot_simulator’, ‘qiskit_statevec_simulator’, ‘qiskit_qasm_simulator’, ‘vectorized’, ‘pyquil.statevector_simulator’] |
Amazon Braket |
[‘IonQ’, ‘Rigetti’, ‘OQC’] |
Please check the IBMQ backends available to your account |
Rigetti’s QCS |
[nq-qvm, Aspen-11, Aspen-M-1] |
Azure |
OpenQAOA supports all gate-based QPU present on Azure Quantum. For the freshest list, please check the [Azure Quantum documentation](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/quantum/#features) |
With the notation nq-qvm it is intended that n is a positive integer. For example, 6q-qvm.
Check the [OpenQAOA Website](https://openqaoa.entropicalabs.com/devices/device/) for further details.
Your first RQAOA workflow
from openqaoa import RQAOA
r = RQAOA()
r.set_rqaoa_parameters(rqaoa_type='adaptive', n_max=5, n_cutoff = 5)
rqaoa_type can take two values which select elimination strategies. The user can choose between adaptive or custom.
Factory mode
The user is also free to directly access the source code without using the workflow API.
A few reference notebooks can be found: * [comparing vectorized, pyquil, and qiskit backents](examples/test_backends_correctness.ipynb) * [Parameter sweep for vectorised](examples/openqaoa_example_vectorised.ipynb)
The basic procedure is the following
First, import all the necessay functions
from openqaoa.qaoa_components import Hamiltonian, QAOADescriptor, create_qaoa_variational_params
from openqaoa.utilities import X_mixer_hamiltonian
from openqaoa.backends.qaoa_backend import QAOAvectorizedBackendSimulator
from openqaoa.optimizers.qaoa_optimizer import ScipyOptimizer
then, specify terms and weights in order to define the cost hamiltonian
terms = [(1,2),(2,3),(0,3),(4,0),(1,),(3,)]
coeffs = [1,2,3,4,3,5]
n_qubits = 5
cost_hamil = Hamiltonian.classical_hamiltonian(terms=terms,coeffs=coeffs,constant=0)
mixer_hamil = X_mixer_hamiltonian(n_qubits=n_qubits)
After having created the hamiltonians it is time to create the Circuit parameters and the Variational Parameters
qaoa_descriptor = QAOADescriptor(cost_hamil,mixer_hamil,p=1)
params = create_qaoa_variational_params(qaoa_descriptor, params_type='fourier',init_type='rand',q=1)
Then proceed by instantiating the backend device
backend_obj = QAOAvectorizedBackendSimulator(qaoa_descriptor = qaoa_descriptor, append_state = None, prepend_state = None, init_hadamard = True)
And finally, create the classical optimizer and minimize the objective function
optimizer_dict = {'method': 'cobyla', 'maxiter': 200}
optimizer_obj = ScipyOptimizer(backend_obj, params, optimizer_dict)
The result of the optimization will the be accessible as
OpenQAOA is released open source under the MIT license
About Entropica Labs
General reference
- Implementation details, conventions, and FAQ
- Version v0.2.6 (July 10th, 2024)
- Version v0.2.5 (December 20th, 2023)
- Version v0.2.4 (November 27th, 2023)
- Version v0.2.3 (October 25th, 2023)
- Version v0.2.2 (September 20th, 2023)
- Version v0.2.1 (September 11th, 2023)
- Version v0.2.0 (September 8th, 2023)
- Version v0.1.3 (April 21st, 2023)
- Version v0.1.2 (March 23rd, 2023)
- Version v0.1.1 (February 23rd, 2023)
- Version v0.1.0 (February 17th, 2023)
- Version v0.0.4 (November 14th, 2022)
- New Contributors
- Version v0.0.3 (October 29th, 2022)
- Version v0.0.2 (October 19th, 2022)
- Version v0.0.1 (October 2nd, 2022)
- Version v0.0.1-beta (July 13th, 2022)
Installation and setup
API reference
- OpenQAOA Core API Reference
- Workflows
- Recursive QAOA functions
- Problems
- QAOA Parametrisations
- Base Backends and Device
- Local Backend and Devices — Simulators
- Backend selector method
- QAOA Result
- RQAOA Result
- Logger
- Optimisers
- Utilities
- OpenQAOA Qiskit API Reference
- OpenQAOA Braket API Reference
- OpenQAOA Azure API Reference
- OpenQAOA Pyquil API Reference
- 01 - Introduction to OpenQAOA: An example workflow
- 02 - Compare Qiskit Simulators with different simulation methods
- 03 - Running on the IBMQ cloud simulators, QVM or QPU
- 04 - Working with the QAOA Variational Parameter Classes
- 05 - QAOA circuit with advanced circuit parameterizations
- 06 - Vectorized: A fast QAOA simulator for prototyping
- 07 - OpenQAOA Manual Mode: Plotting Cost Landscapes
- 08 QAOA Optimization Results
- 09 - Recursive QAOA
- 10 - Introduction to OpenQAOA: An example workflow
- 11 - Using Different Mixer Hamiltonians
- 12 - Integrating OpenQAOA and Azure quantum
- 13 - QAOA parameters optimization with different optimization algorithms
- 14 - QAOA Benchmark
- Zero-Noise Extrapolation: an example workflow
- Begin by importing necessary modules
- Step 1: Define a problem instance
- Extract the exact solution for a small enough problem
- Step 3: Define a noise model
- Step 4: run a noiseless QAOA workflow
- Step 4: run a noisy QAOA workflow
- Step 5: run a ZNE mitigated QAOA workflow
- Step 6: Compare the cost plots
- Advanced options