14 - QAOA Benchmark
This notebook will provide an overview of QAOA Benchmarks.
Create a problem instance
We begin by creating a problem instance for a simple MaximumCut
problem for a random graph created using the random_instance
method of the class.
from openqaoa.problems import MaximumCut
# Use the MinimumVertexCover class to instantiate the problem, and get the QUBO representation of the problem
prob = MaximumCut.random_instance(n_nodes=7, edge_probability=0.9, seed=10)
qubo = prob.qubo
Create a QAOA object with the device to benchmark
Then, we create the QAOA
object with the device that we want to benchmark
qpu_credentials ={
"hub": "ibm-q",
"group": "open",
"project": "main"
from openqaoa import QAOA, create_device
# create the QAOA object
q = QAOA()
# set device and backend properties
qiskit_cloud = create_device(location='ibmq', name='ibm_kyoto', **qpu_credentials, as_emulator=True)
# set properties
q.set_circuit_properties(p=1, param_type='standard')
# compile with the problem
In the code above, one can see that the .set_classical_optimizer
method has not been used. This is because the benchmark process does not use the optimization loop.
Now, we create the benchmark object. This object has different methods that will allow us to benchmark the corresponding device and to plot the values taken.
from openqaoa import QAOABenchmark
# create the QAOABenchmark object, passing the QAOA object to benchmark as an argument
benchmark = QAOABenchmark(q)
When initializing the object two attributes are set: .qaoa
and .reference
. - .qaoa
will be the QAOA object passed, the object to be benchmarked. - .reference
will be a QAOA object with the same circuit properties as .qaoa
but with an analytical_simulator
backend. It will also be compiled with the same problem. This object will be the reference for the .qaoa
object to be compared with.
print('.qaoa:', type(benchmark.qaoa), ',\t\t .qaoa.backend:', type(benchmark.qaoa.backend))
print('.reference:', type(benchmark.reference), ',\t .reference.backend:', type(benchmark.reference.backend))
.qaoa: <class 'openqaoa.algorithms.qaoa.qaoa_workflow.QAOA'> , .qaoa.backend: <class 'openqaoa_qiskit.backends.qaoa_qiskit_qpu.QAOAQiskitQPUBackend'>
.reference: <class 'openqaoa.algorithms.qaoa.qaoa_workflow.QAOA'> , .reference.backend: <class 'openqaoa.backends.qaoa_analytical_sim.QAOABackendAnalyticalSimulator'>
Run Benchmark
The .run
method of the QAOABenchmark
object will run the benchmark.
It evaluates the QAOA circuit of the benchmarked object for a given number of points and ranges per parameter. It also evaluates the QAOA circuit of the reference object with the same given points.
It has two required positional arguments: n_points_axis
and ranges
. - n_points_axis
: The number of points per axis - ranges
: The sweep ranges of the parameters. The expected format is a list of tuples: (min, max) or (value,). One tuple per parameter.
benchmark.run(n_points_axis=2**5+1, ranges=[(0, 3.14/2), (0, 3.14/2)], plot=True, plot_every=100)
# with plot=True, the plot is shown every `plot_every` evaluated points and at the end of the execution
Plotting the main plot with the following parameters:
Parameter 0: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values
Parameter 1: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values

Running reference.
Point 1089 out of 1089. Expected remaining time to complete: 00:00:00, it will be finished at 03:03:28.
Plotting the reference plot with the following parameters:
Parameter 0: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values
Parameter 1: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values

Showing results
After running we can plot the results and get the mean difference and the standard deviation of the difference between the benchmarked and the reference:
benchmark.plot(main=True, reference=True, difference=True, labels=['beta', 'gamma'])
# with main=True, the plot of the benchmarked points is shown
# with reference=True, the plot of the reference points is shown
# with difference=True, the plot of the difference between the benchmarked and the reference points is shown
# with labels=['beta', 'gamma'], the labels of the axes are set to 'beta' and 'gamma', if not specified, default labels are used
Plotting the main plot with the following parameters:
Parameter 0: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values
Parameter 1: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values
Plotting the reference plot with the following parameters:
Parameter 0: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values
Parameter 1: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values
Plotting the difference plot with the following parameters:
Parameter 0: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values
Parameter 1: 0 to 1.57, with 33 values

To access the raw data of the benchmark, use the following attributes:
benchmark.values # the values of the benchmarked points
array([[ 0.274, -0.074, 0.052, ..., -0.336, 0.196, -0.042],
[-0.026, -0.012, -0.48 , ..., 0.276, 0.148, -0.016],
[-0.19 , -0.192, -0.344, ..., 0.492, 0.13 , -0.096],
[-0.04 , -0.122, 0.15 , ..., -0.012, -0.044, 0.19 ],
[ 0.034, 0.05 , -0.056, ..., -0.054, -0.01 , -0.004],
[-0.202, 0.168, 0.074, ..., -0.09 , -0.214, 0.018]])
benchmark.values_reference # the values of the reference points
array([[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, ...,
0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[ 0.00000000e+00, -3.30596324e-01, -6.36201769e-01, ...,
6.90397010e-01, 3.48489595e-01, 5.50253502e-03],
[ 0.00000000e+00, -6.07268558e-01, -1.14705888e+00, ...,
1.33292239e+00, 6.62233861e-01, 1.02865946e-02],
[ 0.00000000e+00, -1.32919377e-02, -3.59491490e-02, ...,
-3.36256986e-03, 3.38913220e-03, 1.35164298e-04],
[ 0.00000000e+00, -2.52121083e-03, -7.71505865e-03, ...,
-3.32741998e-03, -2.75178585e-04, 1.81992750e-05],
[ 0.00000000e+00, -3.69897000e-07, -1.45593300e-06, ...,
-1.46058600e-06, -3.72279000e-07, -1.90000000e-11]])
benchmark.difference # the difference between the benchmarked and the reference points
array([[ 0.274 , -0.074 , 0.052 , ..., -0.336 ,
0.196 , -0.042 ],
[-0.026 , 0.31859632, 0.15620177, ..., -0.41439701,
-0.20048959, -0.02150254],
[-0.19 , 0.41526856, 0.80305888, ..., -0.84092239,
-0.53223386, -0.10628659],
[-0.04 , -0.10870806, 0.18594915, ..., -0.00863743,
-0.04738913, 0.18986484],
[ 0.034 , 0.05252121, -0.04828494, ..., -0.05067258,
-0.00972482, -0.0040182 ],
[-0.202 , 0.16800037, 0.07400146, ..., -0.08999854,
-0.21399963, 0.018 ]])
Run 1D Benchmark
One can also run the benchmark fixing the value of any parameter:
benchmark.run(n_points_axis=100, ranges=[(0, 3.14/2), (1,)])
# in this case the first parameter is swept from 0 to 3.14/2, while the second is fixed to 1
Running benchmark.
Point 100 out of 100. Expected remaining time to complete: 00:00:00, it will be finished at 03:03:42.
Running reference.
Point 100 out of 100. Expected remaining time to complete: 00:00:00, it will be finished at 03:03:42.
benchmark.plot(main=True, reference=True, difference=True, labels=['beta', 'cost'], title="comparison", one_plot=True)
# with one_plot=True, the three plots are shown in the same figure
Plotting the main plot with the following parameters:
Parameter 0: 0 to 1.57, with 100 values
Parameter 1: 1
Plotting the reference plot with the following parameters:
Parameter 0: 0 to 1.57, with 100 values
Parameter 1: 1
Plotting the difference plot with the following parameters:
Parameter 0: 0 to 1.57, with 100 values
Parameter 1: 1

Benchmark with different circuit properties
The same procedure can be applied to an object with circuit properties that are not the standard ones, for example: p=2 and param_type=’extended’.
However, for this properties the analytical_simulator
backend is not available, so the vectorized
backend is used instead for the reference.
# create the QAOA object
q2 = QAOA()
# set device and backend properties
# set properties
q2.set_circuit_properties(p=2, param_type='extended')
# compile with the problem
q2.compile(MaximumCut.random_instance(n_nodes=3, edge_probability=0.9, seed=10).qubo) #use a smaller problem to speed up the example
# create the new QAOABenchmark object, in this case the reference will use the vectorized simulator not the analytical one
benchmark2 = QAOABenchmark(q2)
Warning: vectorized simulator will be used for the reference, since the analytical simulator is not available for the circuit properties of the benchmarked QAOA object
benchmark2.run(n_points_axis=2**5+1, ranges=[(1,), (1,), (1,), (0, 3.14), (1,), (1,), (-3.14, 3.14), (1,), (1,), (1,), (1,), (1,)])
# see that the ranges are now 12-dimensional, one tuple is needed for each parameter.
# in this case, we are fixing 10 parameters, and sweeping the other two
# one can sweep more than
Running benchmark.
Point 1089 out of 1089. Expected remaining time to complete: 00:00:00, it will be finished at 03:05:02.
Running reference.
Point 1089 out of 1089. Expected remaining time to complete: 00:00:00, it will be finished at 03:05:03.
benchmark2.plot(main=True, reference=True, difference=True, verbose=False, title=['benchmarked', 'analytical', 'difference'],)

Compare different QPUs or simulators
In this section we will show how one can compare the performance of two different QPUs or simulators.
For that we will follow the same steps as before. Now, we will define two different QAOA objects (one for each QPU to compare) and the respective QAOABenchmark objects, and then ploting the values together.
Here we will compare the IBM QPU with a shot-based simulator:
# we start defining the QAOA object for the ibm qpu:
# create the QAOA object
q_ibm = QAOA()
# set device and backend properties
qiskit_cloud = create_device(location='ibmq', name='ibm_kyoto', **qpu_credentials, as_emulator=True)
# set properties
q_ibm.set_circuit_properties(p=1, param_type='standard')
# compile with the problem
# now, we define the QAOA object for the shot-based simulator:
# create the QAOA object
q_simulator = QAOA()
# set device and backend properties
qiskit_simulator = create_device(location='local', name='qiskit.shot_simulator')
# set properties
q_simulator.set_circuit_properties(p=1, param_type='standard')
# compile with the problem
# next step is to create the QAOABenchmark objects
benchmark_ibm = QAOABenchmark(q_ibm)
benchmark_simulator = QAOABenchmark(q_simulator)
# now we can run the benchmarks
benchmark_ibm.run(n_points_axis=100, ranges=[(3.14/4,), (0, 3.14/2)], plot=False)
benchmark_simulator.run(n_points_axis=100, ranges=[(3.14/4,), (0, 3.14/2)], plot=False, run_reference=False) #here we set reference=False because the reference is the same as in the ibm case
Running benchmark.
Point 100 out of 100. Expected remaining time to complete: 00:00:00, it will be finished at 03:05:21.
Running reference.
Point 100 out of 100. Expected remaining time to complete: 00:00:00, it will be finished at 03:05:21.
Running benchmark.
Point 100 out of 100. Expected remaining time to complete: 00:00:00, it will be finished at 03:05:23.
# last step is to plot the results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
benchmark_ibm.plot(main=True, reference=True, difference=False, ax=ax, labels_legend=['ibm', 'reference'], verbose=False)
benchmark_simulator.plot(main=True, reference=False, difference=False, ax=ax, labels_legend='simulator', verbose=False)
ax.set_title('comparison QPU vs. simulator')