# Copyright 2022 Entropica Labs
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from abc import ABC
from typing import List
import json
import gzip
from os.path import exists
from .workflow_properties import (
from ..backends.devices_core import DeviceBase, DeviceLocal
from ..problems import QUBO
from ..utilities import delete_keys_from_dict, is_valid_uuid, generate_uuid
from ..backends.qaoa_backend import (
def check_compiled(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
if self.compiled:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot change properties of the object after compilation."
return result
return wrapper
[docs]class Workflow(ABC):
Abstract class to represent an optimizer
It's basic usage consists of
#. Initialization
#. Compilation
#. Optimization
device: `DeviceBase`
Device to be used by the optimizer
backend_properties: `BackendProperties`
The backend properties of the optimizer workflow. Use to set the
backend properties such as the number of shots and the cvar values.
For a complete list of its parameters and usage please see the method `set_backend_properties`
classical_optimizer: `ClassicalOptimizer`
The classical optimiser properties of the optimizer workflow.
Use to set the classical optimiser needed for the classical optimisation part of the optimizer routine.
For a complete list of its parameters and usage please see the method `set_classical_optimizer`
local_simulators: `list[str]`
A list containing the available local simulators
cloud_provider: `list[str]`
A list containing the available cloud providers
compiled: `Bool`
A boolean flag to check whether the optimizer object has been correctly compiled at least once
id: TODO
exp_tags: `dict`
A dictionary containing the tags of the optimizer object. The user can set this
value using the set_exp_tags method.
problem: `Problem`
The problem object that the optimizer will be optimizing.
results: `Results`
The results object that will contain the results of the optimization routine.
def __init__(self, device=DeviceLocal("vectorized")):
Initialize the optimizer class.
device: `DeviceBase`
Device to be used by the optimizer. Default is using the local 'vectorized' simulator.
self.device = device
self.backend_properties = BackendProperties()
self.error_mitigation_properties = ErrorMitigationProperties()
self.classical_optimizer = ClassicalOptimizer()
self.local_simulators = list(DEVICE_NAME_TO_OBJECT_MAPPER.keys())
self.cloud_provider = list(DEVICE_ACCESS_OBJECT_MAPPER.keys())
self.available_error_mitigation_techniques = ["spam_twirling","mitiq_zne"]
self.compiled = False
# Initialize the identifier stamps, we initialize all the stamps needed to None
self.header = {
"atomic_id": None, # the id of the run it is generated automatically in the compilation
"experiment_id": generate_uuid(), # the id of the experiment it is generated automatically here
"project_id": None,
"algorithm": None, # qaoa or rqaoa
"description": None,
"run_by": None,
"provider": None,
"target": None,
"cloud": None,
"client": None,
"execution_time_start": None,
"execution_time_end": None,
# Initialize the experiment tags
self.exp_tags = {}
# Initialize the results and problem objects
self.problem = None
self.result = None
def __setattr__(self, __name, __value):
# check the attribute exp_tags is json serializable
if __name == "exp_tags":
raise ValueError("The exp_tags attribute is not json serializable")
return super().__setattr__(__name, __value)
[docs] @check_compiled
def set_device(self, device: DeviceBase):
""" "
Specify the device to be used by the QAOA.
location: `str`
Can be either local, qcs, or ibmq
name: `str`
The name of the device to be used, for local simulators please refer to `q.local_simulators`.
For cloud providers please refer to the provider's naming conventions
self.device = device
[docs] @check_compiled
def set_backend_properties(self, **kwargs):
Set the backend properties
device: DeviceBase
prepend_state: [Union[QuantumCircuitBase,List[complex], np.ndarray]
The state prepended to the circuit.
append_state: [Union[QuantumCircuitBase,List[complex], np.ndarray]
The state prepended to the circuit.
init_hadamard: bool
Whether to apply a Hadamard gate to the beginning of the
QAOA part of the circuit.. Defaults to `True`
n_shots: int
Optional argument to specify the number of shots required to run QAOA computations
on shot-based simulators and QPUs. Defaults to 100.
cvar_alpha: float
The value of alpha for the CVaR cost function
noise_model: `qiskit.providers.aer.noise.NoiseModel`
The Qiskit noise model to be used for the simulation.
qiskit_simulation_method: str, optional
The method to be used for the simulation.
qiskit_optimization_level: int, optional
The qiskit.transpile optimization level to use. Choose from 0,1,2,3
seed_simulator: int
Optional argument to initialize a pseudorandom solution. Default None
Rewiring scheme to be used for Pyquil.
disable_qubit_rewiring: `bool`
Disable automatic qubit rewiring on AWS braket backend
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(self.backend_properties, key):
pass # setattr(self.backend_properties, key, value)
raise ValueError(
f"Specified argument `{value}` for `{key}` in set_backend_properties is not supported"
self.backend_properties = BackendProperties(**kwargs)
return None
[docs] @check_compiled
def set_error_mitigation_properties(self, **kwargs):
Set the error mitigation properties, if any.
error_mitigation_technique: str
The specific technique used to mitigate the errors. Currently, the availables techniques are:
* A simple state preparation and measurement twirling with bitflip averages, under the name "spam_twirling".
* Zero Noise Extrapolation (ZNE), integrated from Mitiq framework, under the name "mitiq_zne".
n_batches: int
Used in "spam_twirling". The number of batches specifies the different negating schedules at random. Total number of shots is distributed accordingly.
calibration_data_location: str
Used in "spam_twirling". The location of the json file containing calibration data. This is the measurement outcomes of an empty circuit under the bit-flip averaging.
factory: str
Used in "mitiq_zne". The name of the zero-noise extrapolation method. Supported values: "Richardson", "Linear", "Poly", "Exp", "PolyExp", "AdaExp", "FakeNodes".
scaling: str
Used in "mitiq_zne". The name of the function for scaling the noise of a quantum circuit. Supported values: "fold_gates_at_random" ("fold_gates_from_right", "fold_gates_from_left" not supported as of version 0.8)
scale_factors: List[int]
Used in "mitiq_zne". Sequence of noise scale factors at which expectation values should be measured.
For factory = "AdaExp", just the first element of the list will be considered.
order: int
Used in "mitiq_zne". Extrapolation order (degree of the polynomial to fit). It cannot exceed len(scale_factors) - 1, and it must be greater than or equal to 1.
Only used for factory = "Poly" or "PolyExp".
steps: int
Used in "mitiq_zne". The number of optimization steps. At least 3 are necessary.
Only used for factory = "AdaExp".
# validate a supported error mitigation technique
if kwargs["error_mitigation_technique"].lower() in self.available_error_mitigation_techniques:
raise ValueError(
f"Specified error mitigation technique is not supported"
# get the ErrorMitigationProperty structure to validate
error_mitigation_technique = kwargs["error_mitigation_technique"].lower()
if error_mitigation_technique == 'mitiq_zne':
error_mitigation_properties = MitiqZNEProperties
elif error_mitigation_technique == 'spam_twirling':
error_mitigation_properties = SpamProperties
self.error_mitigation_properties = error_mitigation_properties()
# validate ErrorMitigationProperty structure
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(self.error_mitigation_properties, key):
pass # setattr(self.error_mitigation, key, value)
raise ValueError(
f"Specified argument `{value}` for `{key}` in set_error_mitigation_properties is not supported"
self.error_mitigation_properties = error_mitigation_properties(**kwargs)
return None
[docs] @check_compiled
def set_classical_optimizer(self, **kwargs):
Set the parameters for the classical optimizer to be used in the optimizers workflow
method: str
The classical optimization method. To see the list of supported optimizers, refer
to `available_optimizers` in openqaoa/optimizers/qaoa_optimizer.py
maxiter : Optional[int]
Maximum number of iterations.
maxfev : Optional[int]
Maximum number of function evaluations.
jac: str
Method to compute the gradient vector. Choose from:
- ['finite_difference', 'param_shift', 'stoch_param_shift', 'grad_spsa']
hess: str
Method to compute the hessian. Choose from:
- ['finite_difference', 'param_shift', 'stoch_param_shift', 'grad_spsa']
constraints: scipy.optimize.LinearConstraints, scipy.optimize.NonlinearConstraints
Scipy-based constraints on parameters of optimization. Will be available soon
bounds: scipy.optimize.Bounds
Scipy-based bounds on parameters of optimization. Will be available soon
tol : float
Tolerance before the optimizer terminates; if `tol` is larger than
the difference between two steps, terminate optimization.
optimizer_options : dict
Dictionary of optimiser-specific arguments.
stepsize : float
Step size of each gradient descent step.
decay : float
Stepsize decay parameter of RMSProp.
eps : float
Small number to prevent division by zero for RMSProp.
lambd : float
Small number to prevent singularity of QFIM matrix for Natural Gradient Descent.
ramp_time: float
The slope(rate) of linear ramp initialisation of QAOA parameters.
jac_options : dict
Dictionary that specifies gradient-computation options according to method chosen in 'jac'.
hess_options : dict
Dictionary that specifies Hessian-computation options according to method chosen in 'hess'.
optimization_progress : bool
Returns history of measurement outcomes/wavefunction if `True`. Defaults to `False`.
cost_progress : bool
Returns history of cost values if `True`. Defaults to `True`.
parameter_log : bool
Returns history of angles if `True`. Defaults to `True`.
save_intermediate: bool
If True, the intermediate parameters of the optimization and job ids,
if available, are saved throughout the run. This is set to False by default.
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(self.classical_optimizer, key):
pass # setattr(self.classical_optimizer, key, value)
raise ValueError(
"Specified argument is not supported by the Classical Optimizer"
self.classical_optimizer = ClassicalOptimizer(**kwargs)
return None
[docs] def compile(self, problem: QUBO):
Method that will make sure that the problem is in the correct form for
the optimizer to run and generate the atomic id.
This method should be extended by the child classes to include
the compilation of the problem into the correct form for the optimizer to run.
problem: QUBO
The problem to be optimized. Must be in QUBO form.
# check and set problem
assert isinstance(problem, QUBO), "The problem must be converted into QUBO form"
self.problem = problem
if hasattr(self.device, "n_qubits"):
if self.device.n_qubits < self.problem.n:
raise Exception(
f"The number of qubits {self.problem.n} is more than the number of qubits available on the device."
f"{self.device.name} features f{self.device.n_qubits} qubits"
# the atomic id is generated every time that it is compiled
self.header["atomic_id"] = generate_uuid()
# header is updated with the qubit number of the problem
self.set_exp_tags({"qubit_number": self.problem.n})
[docs] def optimize():
raise NotImplementedError
def _serializable_dict(
self, complex_to_string: bool = False, intermediate_measurements: bool = True
Returns a dictionary with all values and attributes of the object that we want to
return in `asdict` and `dump(s)` methods in a dictionary.
The returned dictionary has two keys: header and data. The header contains all the data
that can identify the experiment, while the data contains all the input and output data
of the experiment (also the experiment tags).
complex_to_string: bool
If True, converts all complex numbers to strings. This is useful for
JSON serialization, for the `dump(s)` methods.
intermediate_measurements: bool
If True, intermediate measurements are included in the dump.
If False, intermediate measurements are not included in the dump.
Default is True.
# create the final data dictionary
data = {}
data["exp_tags"] = self.exp_tags.copy()
data["input_problem"] = dict(self.problem) if self.problem is not None else None
data["input_parameters"] = {
"device": {
"device_location": self.device.device_location,
"device_name": self.device.device_name,
"backend_properties": dict(self.backend_properties),
"classical_optimizer": dict(self.classical_optimizer),
# change the parameters that aren't serializable to strings
for item in ["noise_model", "append_state", "prepend_state"]:
if data["input_parameters"]["backend_properties"][item] is not None:
data["input_parameters"]["backend_properties"][item] = str(
data["result"] = (
self.result.asdict(False, complex_to_string, intermediate_measurements)
if self.result not in [None, {}]
else None
# create the final header dictionary
header = self.header.copy()
header["metadata"] = {
"problem_type": data["input_problem"]["problem_instance"][
if data["input_problem"] is not None
else {}
if data["input_problem"] is not None
else {}
**{"n_shots": data["input_parameters"]["backend_properties"]["n_shots"]},
prepend + key: data["input_parameters"]["classical_optimizer"][key]
for prepend, key in zip(
["optimizer_", "", ""], ["method", "jac", "hess"]
if not data["input_parameters"]["classical_optimizer"][key] is None
# we return a dictionary (serializable_dict) that will have two keys: header and data
serializable_dict = {
# header is a dictionary containing all the data that can identify the experiment
"header": header,
# data is a dictionary containing all the input and output data of the experiment (also the experiment tags)
"data": data,
return serializable_dict
[docs] def asdict(self, exclude_keys: List[str] = [], options: dict = {}):
Returns a dictionary of the Optimizer object, where all objects are converted to dictionaries.
exclude_keys : List[str]
A list of keys to exclude from the returned dictionary.
options : dict
A dictionary of options to pass to the method that creates the dictionary to dump.
complex_to_string : bool
If True, converts complex numbers to strings. If False,
complex numbers are not converted to strings.
intermediate_measurements : bool
If True, includes the intermediate measurements in the results.
If False, only the final measurements are included.
options = {**{"complex_to_string": False}, **options}
if exclude_keys == []:
return self._serializable_dict(**options)
return delete_keys_from_dict(
obj=self._serializable_dict(**options), keys_to_delete=exclude_keys
[docs] def dumps(self, indent: int = 2, exclude_keys: List[str] = [], options: dict = {}):
Returns a json string of the Optimizer object.
indent : int
The number of spaces to indent the result in the json file.
If None, the result is not indented.
exclude_keys : List[str]
A list of keys to exclude from the json string.
options : dict
A dictionary of options to pass to the method that creates
the dictionary to dump.
intermediate_measurements : bool
If True, includes the intermediate measurements in the results.
If False, only the final measurements are included.
options = {**options, **{"complex_to_string": True}}
if exclude_keys == []:
return json.dumps(self._serializable_dict(**options), indent=indent)
return json.dumps(
obj=self._serializable_dict(**options), keys_to_delete=exclude_keys
[docs] def dump(
file_name: str = "",
file_path: str = "",
prepend_id: bool = False,
indent: int = 2,
compresslevel: int = 0,
exclude_keys: List[str] = [],
overwrite: bool = False,
options: dict = {},
Saves the Optimizer object as json file (if compresslevel is 0).
If compresslevel is not 0, saves the Optimizer object as a .gz file
(which should be decompressed before use).
file_name : str
The name of the json file.
file_path : str
The path where the json file will be saved.
prepend_id : bool
If True, the name will have the following format: '{project_id}--{experiment_id}--{atomic_id}--{file_name}.json'.
If False, the name will have the following format: '{file_name}.json'.
Default is False.
indent : int
The number of spaces to indent the result in the json file.
If None, the result is not indented.
compresslevel : int
The compression level to use. If 0, no compression is used and a json file is saved.
If 1, the fastest compression method is used. If 9, the slowest
but most effective compression method is used. And a .gz file is saved.
exclude_keys : List[str]
A list of keys that should not be included in the json file.
overwrite : bool
If True, overwrites the file if it already exists. If False,
raises an error if the file already exists.
options : dict
A dictionary of options to pass to the method that creates the dictionary to dump.
intermediate_measurements : bool
If True, includes the intermediate measurements in the results.
If False, only the final measurements are included.
options = {**options, **{"complex_to_string": True}}
project_id = (
if not self.header["project_id"] is None
else "None"
# get the full name
if prepend_id is False and file_name == "":
raise ValueError(
"dump method missing argument: 'file_name'. Otherwise 'prepend_id' must be specified as True."
elif prepend_id is False:
file = file_path + file_name
elif file_name == "":
file = (
+ project_id
+ "--"
+ self.header["experiment_id"]
+ "--"
+ self.header["atomic_id"]
file = (
+ project_id
+ "--"
+ self.header["experiment_id"]
+ "--"
+ self.header["atomic_id"]
+ "--"
+ file_name
# adding .json extension if not present and adding .gz extension if compresslevel is not 0 and not present
file = file + ".json" if ".json" != file[-5:] else file
if compresslevel != 0:
file = file + ".gz" if ".gz" != file[-3:] else file
# checking if the file already exists, and raising an error if it does and overwrite is False
if overwrite is False and exists(file):
raise FileExistsError(
f"The file {file} already exists. Please change the name of the file or set overwrite=True."
# saving the file
if compresslevel == 0: # if compresslevel is 0, save as json file
with open(file, "w") as f:
if exclude_keys == []:
json.dump(self._serializable_dict(**options), f, indent=indent)
else: # if compresslevel is not 0, save as .gz file (which should be decompressed before use)
with gzip.open(file, "w", compresslevel=compresslevel) as f:
indent=indent, exclude_keys=exclude_keys, options=options
# print the file path and name
if file_path == "":
'Results saved as "{}" in the current directory.'.format(
file[len(file_path) :]
'Results saved as "{}" in the folder "{}".'.format(
file[len(file_path) :], file_path
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, dictionary: dict):
Creates an Optimizer object from a dictionary (which is the output of the asdict method)
dictionary : dict
A dictionary with the information of the Optimizer object.
# check if the class is correct
algorithm = dictionary["header"]["algorithm"]
assert (
algorithm.lower() == cls.__name__.lower()
), f"The class {cls.__name__} does not match the algorithm ({algorithm}) of the dictionary."
# create the object
obj = cls()
# header
obj.header = dictionary["header"].copy()
obj.header.pop("metadata", None) # remove the metadata from the header
# tags
obj.exp_tags = dictionary["data"]["exp_tags"].copy()
# problem
obj.problem = (
if dictionary["data"]["input_problem"] is not None
else None
# input parameters
map_inputs = {
"backend_properties": obj.set_backend_properties,
"circuit_properties": obj.set_circuit_properties,
"classical_optimizer": obj.set_classical_optimizer,
"rqaoa_parameters": obj.set_rqaoa_parameters
if algorithm == "rqaoa"
else None,
for key, value in dictionary["data"]["input_parameters"].items():
if key == "device":
# results
if (
"result" in dictionary["data"].keys()
and dictionary["data"]["result"] is not None
obj.result = obj.results_class.from_dict(
{"cost_hamiltonian": obj.problem.hamiltonian}
if algorithm == "qaoa"
else {}
# print a message when the object is loaded
print(f"Loaded {cls.__name__} object.")
print("The device has to be set manually using the set_device method.")
f"Name of the device used was: {dictionary['data']['input_parameters']['device']}"
return obj
[docs] @classmethod
def loads(cls, string: str):
Creates an Optimizer object from a string (which is the output of the dumps method)
string : str
A string with the information of the Optimizer object.
return cls.from_dict(json.loads(string))
[docs] @classmethod
def load(cls, file_name: str, file_path: str = ""):
Creates an Optimizer object from a file (which is the output of the dump method)
file_name : str
The name of the file.
file_path : str
The path of the file.
file = file_path + file_name
if ".gz" == file_name[-3:]:
with gzip.open(file, "r") as f:
return cls.loads(f.read().decode("utf-8"))
with open(file, "r") as f:
return cls.loads(f.read())