from typing import List, Callable, Optional, Union, Dict
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from .qaoa_result import QAOAResult
from ..workflow_properties import CircuitProperties
from ..baseworkflow import Workflow, check_compiled
from ...backends import QAOABackendAnalyticalSimulator
from ...backends.devices_core import DeviceLocal
from ...backends.qaoa_backend import get_qaoa_backend
from ...problems import QUBO
from ...qaoa_components import (
from ...qaoa_components.variational_parameters.variational_baseparams import (
from ...utilities import (
from ...optimizers.qaoa_optimizer import get_optimizer
from ...backends.wrapper import SPAMTwirlingWrapper,ZNEWrapper
[docs]class QAOA(Workflow):
A class implementing a QAOA workflow end to end.
It's basic usage consists of
1. Initialization
2. Compilation
3. Optimization
.. note::
The attributes of the QAOA class should be initialized using the set methods of QAOA.
For example, to set the circuit's depth to 10 you should run `set_circuit_properties(p=10)`
device: `DeviceBase`
Device to be used by the optimizer
circuit_properties: `CircuitProperties`
The circuit properties of the QAOA workflow. Use to set depth `p`,
choice of parameterization, parameter initialisation strategies, mixer hamiltonians.
For a complete list of its parameters and usage please see the method `set_circuit_properties`
backend_properties: `BackendProperties`
The backend properties of the QAOA workflow. Use to set the backend properties
such as the number of shots and the cvar values.
For a complete list of its parameters and usage please see the method `set_backend_properties`
classical_optimizer: `ClassicalOptimizer`
The classical optimiser properties of the QAOA workflow. Use to set the
classical optimiser needed for the classical optimisation part of the QAOA routine.
For a complete list of its parameters and usage please see the method `set_classical_optimizer`
local_simulators: `list[str]`
A list containing the available local simulators
cloud_provider: `list[str]`
A list containing the available cloud providers
mixer_hamil: Hamiltonian
The desired mixer hamiltonian
cost_hamil: Hamiltonian
The desired mixer hamiltonian
qaoa_descriptor: QAOADescriptor
the abstract and backend-agnostic representation of the underlying QAOA parameters
variate_params: QAOAVariationalBaseParams
The variational parameters. These are the parameters to be optimised by the classical optimiser
backend: VQABaseBackend
The openQAOA representation of the backend to be used to execute the quantum circuit
optimizer: OptimizeVQA
The classical optimiser
result: `Result`
Contains the logs of the optimisation process
compiled: `Bool`
A boolean flag to check whether the QAOA object has been correctly compiled at least once
Examples should be written in doctest format, and should illustrate how
to use the function.
>>> q = QAOA()
>>> q.compile(QUBO)
>>> q.optimize()
Where `QUBO` is a an instance of `openqaoa.problems.problem.QUBO`
If you want to use non-default parameters:
>>> q_custom = QAOA()
>>> q_custom.set_circuit_properties(
>>> q_custom.set_device_properties(
device_location = 'qcs', device_name='Aspen-11',
cloud_credentials = {
'name' : "Aspen11", 'as_qvm':True,
'execution_timeout' : 10, 'compiler_timeout':10
>>> q_custom.set_backend_properties(n_shots=200, cvar_alpha=1)
>>> q_custom.set_classical_optimizer(method='nelder-mead', maxiter=2)
>>> q_custom.compile(qubo_problem)
>>> q_custom.optimize()
results_class = QAOAResult
def __init__(self, device=DeviceLocal("vectorized")):
Initialize the QAOA class.
device: `DeviceBase`
Device to be used by the optimizer. Default is using the local 'vectorized' simulator.
self.circuit_properties = CircuitProperties()
# change header algorithm to qaoa
self.header["algorithm"] = "qaoa"
def set_circuit_properties(self, **kwargs):
Specify the circuit properties to construct QAOA circuit
qubit_register: `list`
Select the desired qubits to run the QAOA program. Meant to be used as a qubit
selector for qubits on a QPU. Defaults to a list from 0 to n-1 (n = number of qubits)
p: `int`
Depth `p` of the QAOA circuit
q: `int`
Analogue of `p` of the QAOA circuit in the Fourier parameterization
param_type: `str`
Choose the QAOA circuit parameterization. Currently supported parameterizations include:
`'standard'`: Standard QAOA parameterization
`'standard_w_bias'`: Standard QAOA parameterization with a separate parameter for single-qubit terms.
`'extended'`: Individual parameter for each qubit and each term in the Hamiltonian.
`'fourier'`: Fourier circuit parameterization
`'fourier_extended'`: Fourier circuit parameterization with individual parameter
for each qubit and term in Hamiltonian.
`'fourier_w_bias'`: Fourier circuit parameterization with a separate
parameter for single-qubit terms
init_type: `str`
Initialisation strategy for the QAOA circuit parameters. Allowed init_types:
`'rand'`: Randomly initialise circuit parameters
`'ramp'`: Linear ramp from Hamiltonian initialisation of circuit
parameters (inspired from Quantum Annealing)
`'custom'`: User specified initial circuit parameters
mixer_hamiltonian: `str`
Parameterisation of the mixer hamiltonian:
`'x'`: Randomly initialise circuit parameters
`'xy'`: Linear ramp from Hamiltonian initialisation of circuit
mixer_qubit_connectivity: `[Union[List[list],List[tuple], str]]`
The connectivity of the qubits in the mixer Hamiltonian. Use only if
`mixer_hamiltonian = xy`. The user can specify the connectivity as a list of lists,
a list of tuples, or a string chosen from ['full', 'chain', 'star'].
mixer_coeffs: `list`
The coefficients of the mixer Hamiltonian. By default all set to -1
annealing_time: `float`
Total time to run the QAOA program in the Annealing parameterization (digitised annealing)
linear_ramp_time: `float`
The slope(rate) of linear ramp initialisation of QAOA parameters.
variational_params_dict: `dict`
Dictionary object specifying the initial value of each circuit parameter for
the chosen parameterization, if the `init_type` is selected as `'custom'`.
For example, for standard params set {'betas': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 'gammas': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]}
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(self.circuit_properties, key):
raise ValueError("Specified argument is not supported by the circuit")
self.circuit_properties = CircuitProperties(**kwargs)
return None
[docs] def compile(
problem: QUBO = None,
verbose: bool = False,
routing_function: Optional[Callable] = None,
Initialise the trainable parameters for QAOA according to the specified
strategies and by passing the problem statement
.. note::
Compilation is necessary because it is the moment where the problem statement and
the QAOA instructions are used to build the actual QAOA circuit.
.. tip::
Set Verbose to false if you are running batch computations!
problem: `Problem`
QUBO problem to be solved by QAOA
verbose: bool
Set True to have a summary of QAOA to displayed after compilation
# if isinstance(routing_function,Callable):
# #assert that routing_function is supported only for Standard QAOA.
# if (
# self.backend_properties.append_state is not None or\
# self.backend_properties.prepend_state is not None or\
# self.circuit_properties.mixer_hamiltonian is not 'x' or\
# )
# connect to the QPU specified
# we compile the method of the parent class to genereate the id and
# check the problem is a QUBO object and save it
self.cost_hamil = Hamiltonian.classical_hamiltonian(
terms=problem.terms, coeffs=problem.weights, constant=problem.constant
self.mixer_hamil = get_mixer_hamiltonian(
self.qaoa_descriptor = QAOADescriptor(
self.variate_params = create_qaoa_variational_params(
backend_dict = self.backend_properties.__dict__.copy()
self.backend = get_qaoa_backend(
# Implementing SPAM Twirling and MITIQs error mitigation requires wrapping the backend.
# However, the BaseWrapper can have many more use cases.
if (
== "spam_twirling"
self.backend = SPAMTwirlingWrapper(
== "mitiq_zne"
self.backend = ZNEWrapper(
self.optimizer = get_optimizer(
# Set the header properties
self.header["target"] = self.device.device_name
self.header["cloud"] = self.device.device_location
metadata = {
"p": self.circuit_properties.p,
"param_type": self.circuit_properties.param_type,
"init_type": self.circuit_properties.init_type,
"optimizer_method": self.classical_optimizer.method,
self.compiled = True
if verbose:
print("\t \033[1m ### Summary ###\033[0m")
print("OpenQAOA has been compiled with the following properties")
f"Solving QAOA with \033[1m {self.device.device_name} \033[0m on"
f"Using p={self.circuit_properties.p} with {self.circuit_properties.param_type}"
f"parameters initialized as {self.circuit_properties.init_type}"
if hasattr(self.backend, "n_shots"):
f"OpenQAOA will optimize using \033[1m{self.classical_optimizer.method}"
f"\033[0m, with up to \033[1m{self.classical_optimizer.maxiter}"
f"\033[0m maximum iterations. Each iteration will contain"
f"\033[1m{self.backend_properties.n_shots} shots\033[0m"
f"OpenQAOA will optimize using \033[1m{self.classical_optimizer.method}\033[0m,"
"with up to \033[1m{self.classical_optimizer.maxiter}\033[0m maximum iterations"
return None
[docs] def solve_brute_force(self, bounded=True, verbose=False):
A method to solve the QAOA problem using brute force i.e. by
evaluating the cost function at all possible bitstrings
bounded: `bool`, optional
If set to True, the function will not perform computations for qubit
numbers above 25. If False, the user can specify any number. Defaults
to True.
verbose: `bool`, optional
If set to True, the function will print the results of the computation.
Defaults to False.
if self.compiled is False:
raise ValueError(
"Please compile the QAOA before running the brute force solver!"
# compute the exact ground state and ground state energy of the cost hamiltonian
energy, configuration = ground_state_hamiltonian(
self.cost_hamil, bounded=bounded
if verbose:
print(f"Ground State energy: {energy}, Solution: {configuration}")
self.brute_force_results = {
"energy": energy,
"configuration": configuration,
return None
[docs] def optimize(self, verbose=False):
A method running the classical optimisation loop
if self.compiled is False:
raise ValueError("Please compile the QAOA before optimizing it!")
# timestamp for the start of the optimization
self.header["execution_time_start"] = generate_timestamp()
# TODO: result and qaoa_result will differ
self.result = self.optimizer.qaoa_result
# timestamp for the end of the optimization
self.header["execution_time_end"] = generate_timestamp()
if verbose:
print("Optimization completed.")
[docs] def evaluate_circuit(
params: Union[List[float], Dict[str, List[float]], QAOAVariationalBaseParams],
A method to evaluate the QAOA circuit at a given set of parameters
params: list or dict or QAOAVariationalBaseParams or None
List of parameters or dictionary of parameters. Which will be used to evaluate the QAOA circuit.
If None, the variational parameters of the QAOA object will be used.
result: dict
A dictionary containing the results of the evaluation:
- "cost": the expectation value of the cost Hamiltonian
- "uncertainty": the uncertainty of the expectation value of the cost Hamiltonian
- "measurement_results": either the state of the QAOA circuit output (if the QAOA circuit is
evaluated on a state simulator) or the counts of the QAOA circuit output
(if the QAOA circuit is evaluated on a QPU or shot-based simulator)
# before evaluating the circuit we check that the QAOA object has been compiled
if self.compiled is False:
raise ValueError("Please compile the QAOA before optimizing it!")
# Check the type of the input parameters and save them as a
# QAOAVariationalBaseParams object at the variable `params_obj`
# if the parameters are passed as a dictionary we copy and update the variational parameters of the QAOA object
if isinstance(params, dict):
params_obj = deepcopy(self.variate_params)
# we check that the dictionary contains all the parameters of the QAOA object that are not empty
for key, value in params_obj.asdict().items():
if value.size > 0:
assert (
key in params.keys()
), f"The parameter `{key}` is missing from the input dictionary"
# if the parameters are passed as a list we copy and update the variational parameters of the QAOA object
elif isinstance(params, list) or isinstance(params, np.ndarray):
assert len(params) == len(
), "The number of parameters does not match the number of parameters in the QAOA circuit"
params_obj = deepcopy(self.variate_params)
# if the parameters are passed as a QAOAVariationalBaseParams object we just take it as it is
elif isinstance(params, QAOAVariationalBaseParams):
# check whether the input params object is supported for circuit evaluation
assert (
len(self.variate_params.mixer_1q_angles) == len(params.mixer_1q_angles)
and len(self.variate_params.mixer_2q_angles)
== len(self.variate_params.mixer_2q_angles)
and len(self.variate_params.cost_1q_angles)
== len(self.variate_params.cost_1q_angles)
and len(self.variate_params.cost_2q_angles)
== len(self.variate_params.cost_2q_angles)
), "Specify a supported params object"
params_obj = params
# if the parameters are passed in a different format, we raise an error
raise TypeError(
f"The input params must be a list or a dictionary. Instead, received {type(params)}"
# Evaluate the QAOA circuit and return the results
output_dict = {
"cost": None,
"uncertainty": None,
"measurement_results": None,
# if the backend is the analytical simulator, we just return the expectation value of the cost Hamiltonian
if isinstance(self.backend, QAOABackendAnalyticalSimulator):
output_dict.update({"cost": self.backend.expectation(params_obj)[0]})
# if the workflow implements SPAM Twirling,
# we just return the expectation value of the cost Hamiltonian and the measurement outcomes
elif isinstance(self.backend, SPAMTwirlingWrapper):
cost = self.backend.expectation(params_obj)
measurement_results = (
if isinstance(self.backend.measurement_outcomes, dict)
else self.backend.measurement_outcomes.tolist()
"cost": cost,
"measurement_results": measurement_results,
# in all other cases, we return the expectation value of the cost Hamiltonian,
# the associated uncertainty and the measurement outcomes
cost, uncertainty = self.backend.expectation_w_uncertainty(params_obj)
measurement_results = (
if isinstance(self.backend.measurement_outcomes, dict)
else self.backend.measurement_outcomes.tolist()
"cost": cost,
"uncertainty": uncertainty,
"measurement_results": measurement_results,
return output_dict
def _serializable_dict(
self, complex_to_string: bool = False, intermediate_measurements: bool = True
Returns all values and attributes of the object that we want to return in
`asdict` and `dump(s)` methods in a dictionary.
complex_to_string: bool
If True, complex numbers are converted to strings.
This is useful for JSON serialization.
serializable_dict: dict
A dictionary containing all the values and attributes of the object
that we want to return in `asdict` and `dump(s)` methods.
intermediate_measurements: bool
If True, intermediate measurements are included in the dump.
If False, intermediate measurements are not included in the dump.
Default is True.
# we call the _serializable_dict method of the parent class,
# specifying the keys to delete from the results dictionary
serializable_dict = super()._serializable_dict(
complex_to_string, intermediate_measurements
# we add the keys of the QAOA object that we want to return
serializable_dict["data"]["input_parameters"]["circuit_properties"] = dict(
# include parameters in the header metadata
serializable_dict["header"]["metadata"]["param_type"] = serializable_dict[
serializable_dict["header"]["metadata"]["init_type"] = serializable_dict[
serializable_dict["header"]["metadata"]["p"] = serializable_dict["data"][
if (
is not None
serializable_dict["header"]["metadata"]["q"] = serializable_dict["data"][
return serializable_dict