import copy
import numpy as np
from typing import List
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ...utilities import delete_keys_from_dict
from .. import QAOAResult
from ...problems import QUBO
[docs]class RQAOAResult(dict):
A class to handle the results of RQAOA workflows
It stores the results of the RQAOA optimization as a dictionary. With some custom methods.
[docs] def asdict(
keep_cost_hamiltonian: bool = True,
complex_to_string: bool = False,
intermediate_measurements: bool = True,
exclude_keys: List[str] = [],
Returns the results as a full dictionary, meaning that the objects of the
intermediate steps are also converted to dictionaries.
keep_cost_hamiltonian : bool, optional
If True, the cost Hamiltonian is kept in the dictionary, by default True.
complex_to_string : bool, optional
If True, the complex numbers are converted to strings, by default False.
This is useful for JSON serialization.
intermediate_measurements: bool, optional
If True, intermediate measurements are included in the dump. If False,
intermediate measurements are not included in the dump.
Default is True.
exclude_keys: `list[str]`, optional
A list of keys to exclude from the returned dictionary.
The results as a dictionary.
results = {k: v for k, v in self.items()}
results["intermediate_steps"] = []
for step in self["intermediate_steps"]:
"counter": step["counter"],
"problem": step["problem"].asdict(),
"qaoa_results": step["qaoa_results"].asdict(
"exp_vals_z": step["exp_vals_z"].tolist(),
"corr_matrix": step["corr_matrix"].tolist(),
return (
if exclude_keys == []
else delete_keys_from_dict(results, exclude_keys)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dict(cls, dictionary: dict):
Creates a RQAOAResult object from a dictionary (which is the output of the asdict method).
dictionary : dict
The input dictionary.
The RQAOAResult object.
# deepcopy the dictionary, so that the original dictionary is not changed
dictionary = copy.deepcopy(dictionary)
# create a new RQAOAResult object
results = cls()
# add the keys of the dictionary to the RQAOAResult object
for key, value in dictionary.items():
results[key] = value
# convert the intermediate steps to objects
for step in results["intermediate_steps"]:
step["problem"] = QUBO.from_dict(step["problem"])
step["qaoa_results"] = QAOAResult.from_dict(
step["qaoa_results"], cost_hamiltonian=step["problem"].hamiltonian
step["exp_vals_z"] = np.array(step["exp_vals_z"])
step["corr_matrix"] = np.array(step["corr_matrix"])
return results
[docs] def get_solution(self):
Returns the solution of the optimization.
return self["solution"]
[docs] def get_qaoa_results(self, step):
Returns the i-th qaoa step of the RQAOA.
return self["intermediate_steps"][step]["qaoa_results"]
[docs] def get_qaoa_optimized_angles(self, step):
Returns the optimized angles of the i-th qaoa step of the RQAOA.
return self.get_qaoa_results(step).optimized["angles"]
[docs] def get_problem(self, step):
Returns the QUBO problem in the i-th step of the RQAOA.
return self["intermediate_steps"][step]["problem"]
[docs] def get_hamiltonian(self, step):
Returns the Hamiltonian of the i-th step of the RQAOA.
return self.get_problem(step).hamiltonian
[docs] def get_exp_vals_z(self, step):
Returns the expectation values of the Z operator of the i-th step of the RQAOA.
return self["intermediate_steps"][step]["exp_vals_z"]
[docs] def get_corr_matrix(self, step):
Returns the correlation matrix of the i-th step of the RQAOA.
return self["intermediate_steps"][step]["corr_matrix"]
[docs] def plot_corr_matrix(self, step, cmap="cool", ax=None):
Plots the correlation matrix of the i-th step of the RQAOA.
TODO : add more options
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig = ax.get_figure()
im = ax.imshow(self.get_corr_matrix(step=step), cmap=cmap)
cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
return fig, ax