Source code for openqaoa.algorithms.rqaoa.rqaoa_utils

import numpy as np

from ...qaoa_components import Hamiltonian
from ...utilities import bitstring_energy
from ...problems import QUBO

[docs]def max_terms(exp_vals_z: np.ndarray, corr_matrix: np.ndarray, n_elim: int): """ Extracts the n_elim expectation values (single spin and correlation) with highest magnitude, and uses them to impose the elimination constraint on the spins. Parameters ---------- exp_vals_z: `np.array` Single spin expectation values. corr_matrix: `np.array` Correlation matrix. n_elim: `int` Number of spins to eliminate. Returns ------- max_terms_and_stats: `dict` Dictionary containing terms to be eliminated and their expectation values. """ # Copy list of single spin expectation values Z = exp_vals_z.copy() # Copy correlation matrix M = corr_matrix.copy() # Initialize dict of terms and respective costs max_terms_and_stats = {} # Find the n_max+1 largest correlation pairs for _ in range(n_elim): # Obtain max_spin, its Z expectation value, and store it - round to # suppress errors from numbers approximating 0 max_spin = np.unravel_index(abs(Z).argmax(), Z.shape) max_val = np.round(Z[max_spin], 10) # Obtain max_term, its correlation, and store it max_term = np.unravel_index(abs(M).argmax(), M.shape) max_corr = np.round(M[max_term], 10) # Eliminate the expectation value with highest absolute value - round to # suppress errors from numbers approximating 0 if np.abs(max_corr) > np.abs(max_val): max_terms_and_stats.update({max_term: max_corr}) # Set the term to 0 to check for the next one M[max_term] = 0 else: # If maximum value is 0, all expectation values are vanishing if max_val == 0: break else: max_terms_and_stats.update({max_spin: max_val}) # Set the spin value to 0 to check for the next one Z[max_spin] = 0 # Flag if we have have not been able to extract any relation for the terms if max_terms_and_stats == {}: print("All expectation values are 0: Breaking degeneracy by fixing a qubit\n") max_terms_and_stats = {(0,): -1.0} return max_terms_and_stats
[docs]def ada_max_terms(exp_vals_z: np.ndarray, corr_matrix: np.ndarray, n_max: int): """ Extracts the n_max+1 expectation values (single spin and correlation) with highest magnitude, computes the average among them and selects the ones above average for elimination. The maximum number of potential candidates is n_max. Parameters ---------- exp_vals_z: `np.array` Single spin expectation values. corr_matrix: `np.array` Correlation matrix. n_max: `np.array` Maximum number of potential candidates for elimination. Returns ------- max_terms_and_stats: `dict` Dictionary containing terms to be eliminated and their expectation values. """ # Copy list of single spin expectation values Z = exp_vals_z.copy() # Copy correlation matrix M = corr_matrix.copy() # Initialize dict of terms and respective costs max_terms_and_stats = {} # Find the n_max+1 largest correlation pairs for _ in range(n_max + 1): # Obtain max_spin, its Z expectation value, and store it - round to # suppress errors from numbers approximating 0 max_spin = np.unravel_index(abs(Z).argmax(), Z.shape) max_val = np.round(Z[max_spin], 10) # Obtain max_term, its correlation, and store it max_term = np.unravel_index(abs(M).argmax(), M.shape) max_corr = np.round(M[max_term], 10) # Eliminate the expectation value with highest absolute value - round to # suppress errors from numbers approximating 0 if np.abs(max_corr) > np.abs(max_val): max_terms_and_stats.update({max_term: max_corr}) # Set the term to 0 to check for the next one M[max_term] = 0 else: # If maximum value is 0, all expectation values are vanishing if max_val == 0: break else: max_terms_and_stats.update({max_spin: max_val}) # Set the spin value to 0 to check for the next one Z[max_spin] = 0 # Flag if we have have not been able to extract any relation for the terms if max_terms_and_stats == {}: print("All expectation values are 0: Breaking degeneracy by fixing a qubit\n") max_terms_and_stats = {(0,): -1.0} # Correlation average magnitude avg_mag_stats = np.round(np.mean(np.abs(list(max_terms_and_stats.values()))), 10) # Select only the ones above average max_terms_and_stats = { key: value for key, value in max_terms_and_stats.items() if np.abs(value) >= avg_mag_stats } # Cut down the number of eliminations if, due to symmetry, they exceed # the number allowed - relevant for unweighted graphs if len(max_terms_and_stats) > n_max: max_keys = list(max_terms_and_stats.keys())[0:n_max] max_terms_and_stats = {key: max_terms_and_stats[key] for key in max_keys} return max_terms_and_stats
[docs]def find_parent(spin_map: dict, spin: int, factor: int = 1): """ Finds parent spin recursively following the chain of dependencies in the spin map. Parameters ---------- spin_map: `dict` Mapping containing all dependencies for eliminated spins. spin: `int` Spin whose parent we want to find. factor: `int`, optional Defaults to 1 to initialize the multiplicative factor. Returns ------- parent_spin: `int` Parent spin. factor: `int` Cumulative factor connecting the input spin with its parent spin. """ # Extract parent spin parent_spin = spin_map[spin][1] factor *= spin_map[spin][0] # If spin maps to itself or it is None, we have found parent spin if parent_spin == spin or parent_spin is None: return parent_spin, factor # Recursively follow dependencies else: spin = parent_spin return find_parent(spin_map, spin, factor)
[docs]def spin_mapping(problem: QUBO, max_terms_and_stats: dict): """ Generates a map between spins in the original problem graph and in the reduced graph. Elimination constraints from correlations define a constrained spin, to be removed, and a parent spin, to be kept. Parent spins determine the state of multiple spins by a chain of dependencies between spins due to the different constraints. Note that there is always a parent spin and only one. If cycles are present, less edges will be eliminated to satisfy this requirement. Constraints following from biases result in fixing spins to a specific value. In this case, the parent spin is set to None. Spins in the map that are not eliminated are mapped to themselves. Parameters ---------- problem: `QUBO` QUBO problem object containing the problem statement. max_terms_and_stats: `dict` Dictionary containing the terms to be eliminated and their expectation values. Returns ------- spin_map: `dict` Dictionary containing all the mapping dependencies. The keys correspond to the original spins. The values are tuple pairs, containing the parent spin and the factor relating both. The structure is: { old_spin : (factor, new_spin) }. """ register = list(range(problem.n)) max_terms = list(max_terms_and_stats.keys()) # Initialize with every spin mapping to itself spin_map = dict((spin, (1, spin)) for spin in register) # Retrieve all spins involved in terms with highest correlation spin_candidates = set([spin for term in max_terms for spin in term]) # Order term entries in descending magnitude order for correct insertion in solution sorted_max_ts = sorted( max_terms_and_stats.items(), key=lambda x: np.abs(x[1]), reverse=True ) # Build spin map from all expectation values for term, stat in sorted_max_ts: # Single spin expectation value if len(term) == 1: # Select spin spin = term[0] # Check if it has been fixed already parent, _ = find_parent(spin_map, spin) # If not, fix it if parent is not None: spin_map.update({spin: (np.sign(stat), None)}) # Correlation terms else: # Select spins spin_keep, spin_remove = term # Retrieve parents and fact parent_keep, factor_keep = find_parent(spin_map, spin_keep) parent_remove, factor_remove = find_parent(spin_map, spin_remove) # If neither spin has been fixed, store relation if parent_keep is not None and parent_remove is not None: # Ensure we keep the spin with lowest label for future state reconstruction if parent_remove < parent_keep: parent_keep, parent_remove = parent_remove, parent_keep factor_keep, factor_remove = factor_remove, factor_keep # If a cycle is encountered one edge is discarded if parent_remove == parent_keep: continue # Update the spin map else: spin_map.update( { parent_remove: ( factor_remove ** (-1) * factor_keep * np.sign(stat), parent_keep, ) } ) # If both spins have been fixed, ignore correlation elif parent_keep is None and parent_remove is None: continue # If one spin has been fixed, fix the second one according to correlation value else: # Extract fixed and unfixed spins spin_fixed, factor_fixed = ( (parent_keep, factor_keep) if parent_keep is None else (parent_remove, factor_remove) ) spin_unfixed, factor_unfixed = ( (parent_remove, factor_remove) if spin_fixed == parent_keep else (parent_keep, factor_fixed) ) # Fix spin spin_map.update( { spin_unfixed: ( factor_unfixed ** (-1) * factor_fixed * np.sign(stat), spin_fixed, ) } ) # Correct all dependencies for spin in spin_candidates: parent_spin, cumulative_factor = find_parent(spin_map, spin) spin_map.update({spin: (cumulative_factor, parent_spin)}) return spin_map
[docs]def problem_from_dict(problem_dict: dict): """ Transforms a QUBO problem, input as a dictionary, into a QUBO problem, output as a QUBO object, ensuring proper labelling of the nodes. For example, for a set of nodes [0,1,4,6] with edges [(0,1),(1,4),(4,6),(0,6)], after the relabelling, the Hamiltonian object will be constructed with node labels [0,1,2,3] and edges [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(1,3)]. Parameters ---------- problem_dict: `dict` QUBO problem as a dictionary containing the edges as keys and weights as values. Returns ------- problem: `QUBO` A QUBO problem object constructed using the classical_hamiltonian() method. """ edges = list(problem_dict.keys()) weights = list(problem_dict.values()) # Current indices after elimination register = list(set([i for edge in edges for i in edge])) # Index mapping label_mapping = {unique: i for i, unique in enumerate(register)} # Initialize qubit terms mapper label_edges_mapping = {} # Edges mapping for edge in edges: # Map linear term to linear term if len(edge) == 1: label_edges_mapping.update({edge: (label_mapping.get(edge[0]),)}) # Map quadratic term to quadratic term elif len(edge) == 2: label_edges_mapping.update( {edge: (label_mapping.get(edge[0]), label_mapping.get(edge[1]))} ) # If constant term, just map to itself else: label_edges_mapping.update({edge: edge}) # New edges new_edges = list(label_edges_mapping.values()) # New hamiltonian problem = QUBO(n=len(register), terms=new_edges, weights=weights) return problem
[docs]def redefine_problem(problem: QUBO, spin_map: dict): """ Returns the QUBO object of the reduced problem. Using the spin map, we construct a dictionary containing the new set of edges and weights defining the new problem. Parameters ---------- hamiltonian: `Hamiltonian` Hamiltonian object containing the problem statement. spin_map: `dict` Dictionary containing the spin dependencies. Returns ------- new_problem: `QUBO` QUBO object containing the reduced problem statement after spin eliminations. spin_map: `dict` Updated spin_map with sponatenous eliminations from cancellations during spin removal process. """ # Define new QUBO problem as a dictionary old_register = set([spin for term in problem.terms for spin in term]) new_problem_dict = {} # get a set of all the spins to be eliminated eliminated_spins = set() for spin in spin_map.keys(): if spin != spin_map[spin][1] or spin_map[spin][1] is None: eliminated_spins.add(spin) # Scan all terms and weights for term, weight in zip(problem.terms, problem.weights): # Bias terms if len(term) == 1: # Extract spin from the map spin = term[0] # Extract parent spin and associated factor parent_spin, factor_spin = spin_map[spin][1], spin_map[spin][0] # If spin is fixed it only contributes with a constant term if parent_spin is None: continue # If unfixed, define new edge and weight else: new_edge = (parent_spin,) new_weight = factor_spin * weight # Add new edge if not already present in the dictionary if new_problem_dict.get(new_edge) is None: new_problem_dict.update({new_edge: new_weight}) # If new edge already present, add weight else: new_problem_dict[new_edge] += new_weight # Quadratic terms else: # Extract spins from term spin1, spin2 = term # Extract parent spins and associated factors factor_spin1, factor_spin2 = spin_map[spin1][0], spin_map[spin2][0] parent_spin1, parent_spin2 = spin_map[spin1][1], spin_map[spin2][1] # If both spins are fixed or have same parent, they only contribute with a constant term if parent_spin1 == parent_spin2: continue # If neither parent spin is fixed and they are different, define new quadratic term elif parent_spin1 is not None and parent_spin2 is not None: # Define new edge through the spin map and order them new_edge = [parent_spin1, parent_spin2] new_edge = tuple([min(new_edge), max(new_edge)]) # Define new weight from factors in the spin map new_weight = factor_spin1 * factor_spin2 * weight # Add new edge if not already present in the dictionary if new_problem_dict.get(new_edge) is None: new_problem_dict.update({new_edge: new_weight}) # If new edge already present, add weight else: new_problem_dict[new_edge] += new_weight # If only one spin is fixed, quadratic term becomes a bias term else: # Define new bias term keeping the unfixed spin new_edge = (parent_spin1,) if parent_spin2 is None else (parent_spin2,) new_weight = factor_spin1 * factor_spin2 * weight # Add new edge if not already present in the dictionary if new_problem_dict.get(new_edge) is None: new_problem_dict.update({new_edge: new_weight}) # If new term already present, add weight else: new_problem_dict[new_edge] += new_weight # New qubit register new_register = set([spin for term in new_problem_dict.keys() for spin in term]) # Remove vanishing edges new_problem_dict = { edge: weight for edge, weight in new_problem_dict.items() if round(weight, 10) != 0 } # Define quadratic register after removing vanishing terms new_quadratic_register = set( [spin for edge in new_problem_dict.keys() if len(edge) == 2 for spin in edge] ) # Check for isolated nodes after constructing the new problem there_is_isolated_nodes = False # If lengths do not match, there are isolated nodes if len(new_register) != len(new_quadratic_register): isolated_nodes = new_register.difference(new_quadratic_register) there_is_isolated_nodes = True # If too few eliminations, there are isolated nodes; only important for bias-free problems. elif old_register - new_register != eliminated_spins: isolated_nodes = old_register.difference(new_register) isolated_nodes = isolated_nodes.difference(eliminated_spins) there_is_isolated_nodes = True if there_is_isolated_nodes: # Fix isolated nodes for node in isolated_nodes: singlet = (node,) # If no linear term acting on the node, fix arbitrarily if new_problem_dict.get(singlet) is None: spin_map.update({node: (1, None)}) # If linear term present, fix accordingly by anti-aligning else: factor = -np.sign(new_problem_dict.get(singlet)) spin_map.update({node: (factor, None)}) # Delete isolated node from new problem new_problem_dict.pop((node,)) # For some unweighted graphs specific eliminations can lead to eliminating # the whole instance before reaching cutoff. if new_problem_dict == {}: # set the problem to the old problem and solveclassically for the smallest non-vanishing instance. new_problem = problem else: # Redefine new QUBO problem from the dictionary new_problem = problem_from_dict(new_problem_dict) return new_problem, spin_map
[docs]def final_solution( elimination_tracker: list, cl_states: list, hamiltonian: Hamiltonian ): """ Constructs the final solution to the problem by obtaining the final states from adding the removed spins into the classical results and computing the corresponding energy. Parameters ---------- elimination_tracker: `list` List of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the elimination rules applied at each step of the process. Dictionary keys correspond to spin pairs (i,j), always with i<j to ensure proper reconstruction of the state, where spin j was eliminated in favor of i. The values of each pair correspond to the correlation sign between spins i and j. For fixed spins, in the pair (i,j), i is None, and the dictionary value corresponds to the fixed state of j. cl_states: `list` Set of states as solutions in hamiltonian: `Hamiltonian` Hamiltonian object containing the original problem statement. Returns ------- full_solution: `dict` Dictionary containing the solution states of the problem and their respective energies. """ # Reverse max_cost_list, reverse max_pair_list elimination_tracker = elimination_tracker[::-1] # Initialize list containg full solutions full_solution = {} # Re-construct each solution for cl_state in cl_states: # Transform every string solution into binary integer state = [int(bit) for bit in cl_state] # Extract terms and costs from each elimination step for terms_and_stats in elimination_tracker: # Back track elimination from the specific step for term_stat in terms_and_stats: if "singlet" in term_stat: (i,) = term_stat["singlet"] val = term_stat["bias"] val = term_stat["bias"] # Basis change binary_val = int((1 - val) / 2) # Insert fixed value of i state.insert(i, binary_val) # If we have a pair else: i, j = term_stat["pair"] val = term_stat["correlation"] val = term_stat["correlation"] # Insert new value in position j according to correlation with i prev_corr = state[i] state.insert(j, prev_corr) if val > 0 else state.insert( j, prev_corr ^ 1 ) # Store solution states and their energy full_solution.update( {"".join(str(i) for i in state): bitstring_energy(hamiltonian, state)} ) return full_solution
[docs]def solution_for_vanishing_instances(hamiltonian: Hamiltonian, spin_map: dict): """ Constructs the final solution of the smallest non vanishing problem by fixing the vanishing spins arbitrarily to 1 while obeying the correlations identified by the last run of QAOA before the problem vanished. Computing the classical energy of the generated string. Parameters ---------- spin_map: `dict` Spin map containing the correlations and eliminations of the smallest non-vanishing problem statement. hamiltonian: `Hamiltonian` Hamiltonian object containing the smallest non vanishing problem statement. Returns ------- cl_energy: `float` The energy of the solution wrt the cost Hamiltonian. cl_ground_state: `list` The (single) classical solution to the problem reconstructed accordingly to the last spin map. Represented as a binary string and then cast to a list to match the output of the `ground_state_hamiltonian` function which is used usually. """ cl_ground_state = "" for spin in spin_map.keys(): if spin_map[spin][1] is None: cl_ground_state += "1" else: # fix according to correlation factor factor = spin_map[spin][0] parent = spin_map[spin][1] if factor == 1.0: # correlated cl_ground_state += cl_ground_state[parent] else: # anticorrelated cl_ground_state += str(int(not bool(int(cl_ground_state[parent])))) # computing the energy of the first one only, assuming degeneracy cl_energy = bitstring_energy(hamiltonian, cl_ground_state) # convert to list to match the expected format cl_ground_state = [cl_ground_state] return cl_energy, cl_ground_state