from typing import List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import json
from scipy.optimize._minimize import MINIMIZE_METHODS
from ..optimizers.training_vqa import CustomScipyGradientOptimizer, PennyLaneOptimizer
from ..backends.devices_core import SUPPORTED_LOCAL_SIMULATORS
from ..backends.basebackend import QuantumCircuitBase
from ..utilities import convert2serialize
ALLOWED_INIT_TYPES = ["rand", "ramp", "custom"]
ALLOWED_MIXERS = ["x", "xy"]
+ CustomScipyGradientOptimizer.CUSTOM_GRADIENT_OPTIMIZERS
ALLOWED_QVM_DEVICES = ["Aspen-11", "Aspen-M-1"]
ALLOWED_QVM_DEVICES.extend(f"{n}q-qvm" for n in range(2, 80))
class WorkflowProperties:
def __iter__(self):
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
# remove "_" from the beginning of the key if it exists
yield (key[1:] if key.startswith("_") else key, value)
def asdict(self):
return convert2serialize(dict(self))
[docs]class CircuitProperties(WorkflowProperties):
Tunable properties of the QAOA circuit to be specified by the user
def __init__(
param_type: str = "standard",
init_type: str = "ramp",
qubit_register: List = [],
p: int = 1,
q: Optional[int] = 1,
annealing_time: Optional[float] = None,
linear_ramp_time: Optional[float] = None,
variational_params_dict: Optional[dict] = {},
mixer_hamiltonian: Optional[str] = "x",
mixer_qubit_connectivity: Optional[Union[List[list], List[tuple], str]] = None,
mixer_coeffs: Optional[float] = None,
seed: Optional[int] = None,
self.param_type = param_type
self.init_type = init_type
self.qubit_register = qubit_register
self.p = p
self.q = (
if param_type.lower() in ["fourier", "fourier_extended", "fourier_w_bias"]
else None
self.variational_params_dict = variational_params_dict
self.annealing_time = (
annealing_time if annealing_time is not None else 0.7 * self.p
self.linear_ramp_time = (
linear_ramp_time if linear_ramp_time is not None else 0.7 * self.p
self.mixer_hamiltonian = mixer_hamiltonian
if self.mixer_hamiltonian.lower() == "xy":
self.mixer_qubit_connectivity = (
if mixer_qubit_connectivity is not None
else "full"
self.mixer_qubit_connectivity = None
self.mixer_coeffs = mixer_coeffs
self.seed = seed
def param_type(self):
return self._param_type
def param_type(self, value):
if value not in ALLOWED_PARAM_TYPES:
raise ValueError(
f"param_type {value} is not recognised. Please use {ALLOWED_PARAM_TYPES}"
self._param_type = value
def init_type(self):
return self._init_type
def init_type(self, value):
if value not in ALLOWED_INIT_TYPES:
raise ValueError(
f"init_type {value} is not recognised. Please use {ALLOWED_INIT_TYPES}"
self._init_type = value
def mixer_hamiltonian(self):
return self._mixer_hamiltonian
def mixer_hamiltonian(self, value):
if value not in ALLOWED_MIXERS:
raise ValueError(
f"mixer_hamiltonian {value} is not recognised. Please use {ALLOWED_MIXERS}"
self._mixer_hamiltonian = value
def p(self):
return self._p
def p(self, value):
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Number of layers `p` cannot be smaller or equal to zero. Value {value} was provided"
self._p = value
def annealing_time(self):
return self._annealing_time
def annealing_time(self, value):
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError(
f"The annealing time `annealing_time` cannot be smaller or equal to zero. Value {value} was provided"
self._annealing_time = value
# @property
# def mixer_qubit_connectivity(self):
# return self._mixer_qubit_connectivity
# @annealing_time.setter
# def mixer_qubit_connectivity(self, value):
# print(value)
# if (self.mixer_hamiltonian != 'xy') and (value != None):
# self._mixer_qubit_connectivity = None
# raise ValueError(f"mixer_qubit_connectivity can be used if and only if `mixer_hamiltonian` is set to `xy`")
# else:
# print(value)
# self._mixer_qubit_connectivity = value
[docs]class BackendProperties(WorkflowProperties):
Choose the backend on which to run the QAOA circuits
device: DeviceBase
The device to use for the backend.
prepend_state: Union[openqaoa.basebackend.QuantumCircuitBase,numpy.ndarray(complex)]
The state prepended to the circuit.
append_state: Union[QuantumCircuitBase,numpy.ndarray(complex)]
The state appended to the circuit.
init_hadamard: bool
Whether to apply a Hadamard gate to the beginning of the
QAOA part of the circuit.
n_shots: int
The number of shots to be used for the shot-based computation.
cvar_alpha: float
The value of the CVaR parameter.
noise_model: NoiseModel
The `qiskit` noise model to be used for the shot-based simulator.
initial_qubit_mapping: Union[List[int], numpy.ndarray]
Mapping from physical to logical qubit indices, used to eventually
construct the quantum circuit. For example, for a system composed by 3 qubits
`qubit_layout=[1,3,2]`, maps `1<->0`, `3<->1`, `2<->2`, where the left hand side is the physical qubit
and the right hand side is the logical qubits
qiskit_simulation_method: str
Specify the simulation method to use with the `qiskit.AerSimulator`
qiskit_optimization_level: int, optional
Specify the qiskit.transpile optimization level. Choose from 0,1,2,3
seed_simulator: int
Specify a seed for `qiskit` simulators
active_reset: bool
To use the active_reset functionality on Rigetti backends through QCS
rewiring: str
Specify the rewiring strategy for compilation for Rigetti QPUs through QCS
disable_qubit_rewiring: bool
enable/disbale qubit rewiring when accessing QPUs via the AWS `braket`
def __init__(
prepend_state: Optional[
Union[QuantumCircuitBase, List[complex], np.ndarray]
] = None,
append_state: Optional[Union[QuantumCircuitBase, np.ndarray]] = None,
init_hadamard: bool = True,
n_shots: int = 100,
cvar_alpha: float = 1,
initial_qubit_mapping: Optional[Union[List[int], np.ndarray]] = None,
qiskit_simulation_method: Optional[str] = None,
qiskit_optimization_level: Optional[int] = None,
seed_simulator: Optional[int] = None,
active_reset: Optional[bool] = None,
rewiring: Optional[str] = None,
disable_qubit_rewiring: Optional[bool] = None,
self.init_hadamard = init_hadamard
self.n_shots = n_shots
self.prepend_state = prepend_state
self.append_state = append_state
self.cvar_alpha = cvar_alpha
self.noise_model = noise_model
self.initial_qubit_mapping = initial_qubit_mapping
self.seed_simulator = seed_simulator
self.qiskit_simulation_method = qiskit_simulation_method
self.qiskit_optimization_level = qiskit_optimization_level
self.active_reset = active_reset
self.rewiring = rewiring
self.disable_qubit_rewiring = disable_qubit_rewiring
# @property
# def cvar_alpha(self):
# return self._cvar_alpha
# @cvar_alpha.setter
# def cvar_alpha(self, value):
# if (value <0) or (value>1) :
# raise ValueError(
# f"cvar_alpha must be between 0 and 1. Received {value}.")
# self._cvar_alpha = value
class ErrorMitigationProperties(WorkflowProperties):
Optional, choose an error mitigation technique for the QAOA circuit.
error_mitigation_technique: str
The name of the error mitigation technique. Currently supported values: "spam_twirling" for the Spam Twirling mitigation method, and "mitiq_zne" for the Zero-Noise Extrapolation (ZNE) mitigation method from Mitiq framework.
def __init__(
error_mitigation_technique: Optional[str] = None,
self.error_mitigation_technique = (
if type(error_mitigation_technique) == str
else error_mitigation_technique
class SpamProperties(ErrorMitigationProperties):
Class containing all the required parameters for the execution of the SPAM twirling mitigation technique.
error_mitigation_technique: str
The name of the error mitigation technique.
n_batches: Optional[int] = int
Number of batches in which the total number of shots is divided to. For every batch, we choose a set of qubits at random to which we apply X gates and classical negating. The dafault value is set to 10 to be comparable with most problem sizes in NISQ without creating too much of an overhead.
calibration_data_location: str
The path to the file containing calibration data for the specific device.
def __init__(
error_mitigation_technique: Optional[str] = None,
n_batches: Optional[int] = 10,
calibration_data_location: Optional[str] = None,
if isinstance(n_batches, int) and n_batches > 0:
self.n_batches = n_batches
raise ValueError("n_batches must be a positive integer.")
if calibration_data_location != None:
with open(calibration_data_location, "r") as file:
# Parse the JSON file
calibration_data = json.load(file)
# Check if the file has the expected structure
calibration_measurements = calibration_data["results"][
calibration_registers = calibration_data["register"]
except FileNotFoundError:
raise FileNotFoundError(
"Calibration data file not found at specified location: {}".format(
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"Calibration data file {} is not a valid JSON file".format(
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(
"Calibration data file {} structure not as expected".format(
self.calibration_data_location = calibration_data_location
class MitiqZNEProperties(ErrorMitigationProperties):
Class containing all the required parameters for the execution of the Mitiq Zero-Noise Extrapolation mitigation technique.
error_mitigation_technique: str
The name of the error mitigation technique.
factory: str
The name of the zero-noise extrapolation method. Supported values: "Richardson", "Linear", "Poly", "Exp", "PolyExp", "AdaExp", "FakeNodes".
scaling: str
The name of the function for scaling the noise of a quantum circuit. Supported values: "fold_gates_at_random" ("fold_gates_from_right", "fold_gates_from_left" not supported as of version 0.8).
scale_factors: List[int]
Sequence of noise scale factors at which expectation values should be measured.
For factory = "AdaExp", just the first element of the list will be considered.
order: int
Extrapolation order (degree of the polynomial fit). It cannot exceed len(scale_factors) - 1.
Only used for factory = "Poly" or "PolyExp".
steps: int
The number of optimization steps. At least 3 are necessary.
Only used for factory = "AdaExp".
def __init__(
error_mitigation_technique: Optional[str] = None,
factory: str = 'Linear',
scaling: str = 'fold_gates_at_random',
scale_factors: List[int] = [1,2,3],
order: int = 1,
steps: int = 4
self.factory = factory
self.scaling = scaling
self.scale_factors = scale_factors
self.order = order
self.steps = steps
[docs]class ClassicalOptimizer(WorkflowProperties):
The classical optimizer for the QAOA optimization routine
of the QAOA circuit parameters.
optimize: bool
Whether to perform optimization routine on the given QAOA problem
method: str
optimization method for QAOA e.g. 'COBYLA'
maxiter : Optional[int]
Maximum number of iterations.
maxfev : Optional[int]
Maximum number of function evaluations.
jac: str
Method to compute the gradient vector. Choose from:
- ['finite_difference', 'param_shift', 'stoch_param_shift', 'grad_spsa']
Method to compute the hessian. Choose from:
- ['finite_difference', 'param_shift', 'stoch_param_shift', 'grad_spsa']
constraints: `scipy.optimize.LinearConstraints`, `scipy.optimize.NonlinearConstraints`
Scipy-based constraints on parameters of optimization
bounds: `scipy.scipy.optimize.Bounds`
Scipy-based bounds on parameters of optimization
tol : float
Tolerance before the optimizer terminates; if `tol` is larger than
the difference between two steps, terminate optimization.
optimizer_options: dict
Dictionary of optimiser-specific arguments, defaults to ``None``.
stepsize : float
Step size of each gradient descent step.
decay : float
Stepsize decay parameter of RMSProp.
eps : float
Small number to prevent division by zero for RMSProp.
lambd : float
Small number to regularize QFIM for Natural Gradient Descent.
jac_options : dict
Dictionary that specifies gradient-computation options according to method chosen in 'jac'.
hess_options : dict
Dictionary that specifies Hessian-computation options according to method chosen in 'hess'.
optimization_progress : bool
Returns history of measurement outcomes/wavefunction if `True`. Defaults to `False`.
cost_progress : bool
Returns history of cost values if `True`. Defaults to `True`.
parameter_log : bool
Returns history of angles if `True`. Defaults to `True`.
save_intermediate: bool
Outputs the jobids and parameters used for each circuit into
seperate csv files. Defaults to `False`.
def __init__(
optimize: bool = True,
method: str = "cobyla",
maxiter: int = 100,
maxfev: int = None,
jac: str = None,
hess: str = None,
optimizer_options: dict = None,
jac_options: dict = None,
hess_options: dict = None,
optimization_progress: bool = False,
cost_progress: bool = True,
parameter_log: bool = True,
save_intermediate: bool = False,
self.optimize = optimize
self.method = method.lower()
self.maxiter = maxiter
self.maxfev = maxfev
self.jac = jac.lower() if type(jac) == str else jac
self.hess = hess.lower() if type(hess) == str else hess
self.constraints = constraints
self.bounds = bounds
self.tol = tol
self.optimizer_options = optimizer_options
self.jac_options = jac_options
self.hess_options = hess_options
self.parameter_log = parameter_log
self.optimization_progress = optimization_progress
self.cost_progress = cost_progress
self.parameter_log = parameter_log
self.save_intermediate = save_intermediate
# @property
# def method(self):
# return self._method
# @method.setter
# def method(self, value):
# raise ValueError(
# f"method `{value}` is not supported. Please choose between {ALLOWED_MINIMIZATION_METHODS}")
# self._method = value