Source code for openqaoa.optimizers.pennylane.optimization_methods_pennylane

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A set of functions to implement pennylane optimization algorithms.
Optimisers requiring a pennylane backend haven't been implemented yet.
Similarly as with the custom optimization methods Scipy `minimize` is used. Extends available scipy methods.

from openqaoa.optimizers import pennylane as pl
import inspect
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult
import numpy as np

AVAILABLE_OPTIMIZERS = {  # optimizers implemented
    "pennylane_adagrad": pl.AdagradOptimizer,
    "pennylane_adam": pl.AdamOptimizer,
    "pennylane_vgd": pl.GradientDescentOptimizer,
    "pennylane_momentum": pl.MomentumOptimizer,
    "pennylane_nesterov_momentum": pl.NesterovMomentumOptimizer,
    "pennylane_rmsprop": pl.RMSPropOptimizer,
    "pennylane_rotosolve": pl.RotosolveOptimizer,
    "pennylane_spsa": pl.SPSAOptimizer,

[docs]def pennylane_optimizer( fun, x0, args=(), maxfev=None, pennylane_method="vgd", maxiter=100, tol=10 ** (-6), jac=None, callback=None, nums_frequency=None, spectra=None, shifts=None, **options ): """ Minimize a function `fun` using some pennylane method. To check available methods look at the available_methods_dict variable. Read PARAMETERS ---------- fun : callable Function to minimize x0 : ndarray Initial guess. args : sequence, optional Arguments to pass to `func`. maxfev : int, optional Maximum number of function evaluations. pennylane_method : string, optional Optimizer method to compute the steps. maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations. tol : float Tolerance before the optimizer terminates; if `tol` is larger than the difference between two steps, terminate optimization. jac : callable, optinal Callable gradient function. Required for all methods but rotosolve and spsa. callback : callable, optional Called after each iteration, as ``callback(xk)``, where ``xk`` is the current parameter vector. options : dict, optional Dictionary where keys are the arguments for the optimizers object, and the values are the values to pass to these arguments. To know all the possible options see nums_frequency : dict[dict], optional It is required for rotosolve method The number of frequencies in the fun per parameter. spectra : dict[dict], optional It is required for rotosolve method Frequency spectra in the objective_fn per parameter. shifts : dict[dict], optional It is required for rotosolve method Shift angles for the reconstruction per parameter. Read for more information. RETURNS ------- OptimizeResult : OptimizeResult Scipy OptimizeResult object. """ def cost( params, **k ): # define a function to convert the params list from pennylane to numpy return fun(np.array(params), *k) optimizer = AVAILABLE_OPTIMIZERS[pennylane_method] # define the optimizer # get optimizer arguments arguments = inspect.signature(optimizer).parameters.keys() options_keys = list(options.keys()) # check which values of the options dict can be passed to the optimizer (pop the others) for key in options_keys: if key not in arguments: options.pop(key) if "maxiter" in arguments: options["maxiter"] = maxiter optimizer = optimizer(**options) # pass the arguments bestx = pl.numpy.array(x0, requires_grad=True) besty = cost(x0, *args) funcalls = 1 # tracks no. of function evals. niter = 0 improved = True stop = False testx = np.copy(bestx) testy = np.real(besty) while improved and not stop and niter < maxiter: improved = False # compute step (depends on the optimizer) if pennylane_method in [ "pennylane_adagrad", "pennylane_adam", "pennylane_vgd", "pennylane_momentum", "pennylane_nesterov_momentum", "pennylane_rmsprop", ]: testx, testy = optimizer.step_and_cost(cost, bestx, *args, grad_fn=jac) elif pennylane_method in ["pennylane_rotosolve"]: testx, testy = optimizer.step_and_cost( cost, bestx, *args, nums_frequency={"params": {(i,): 1 for i in range(bestx.size)}} if not nums_frequency else nums_frequency, spectra=spectra, shifts=shifts, full_output=False, ) elif pennylane_method in ["pennylane_spsa"]: testx, testy = optimizer.step_and_cost(cost, bestx, *args) # check if stable if np.abs(besty - testy) < tol and niter > 1: improved = False else: besty = testy bestx = testx improved = True if callback is not None: callback(bestx) if maxfev is not None and funcalls >= maxfev: stop = True break niter += 1 return OptimizeResult( fun=besty, x=np.array(bestx), nit=niter, nfev=funcalls, success=(niter > 1) )