Source code for openqaoa.optimizers.training_vqa

import os
import numpy as np
import pickle
from copy import deepcopy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Type, Callable, List
from datetime import datetime

from scipy.optimize._minimize import minimize, MINIMIZE_METHODS
from scipy.optimize import LinearConstraint, NonlinearConstraint, Bounds

from ..backends.basebackend import VQABaseBackend
from ..backends.qaoa_vectorized import QAOAvectorizedBackendSimulator
from ..qaoa_components.variational_parameters.variational_baseparams import (
from . import optimization_methods as om
from .pennylane import optimization_methods_pennylane as ompl

from .logger_vqa import Logger
from ..algorithms.qaoa.qaoa_result import QAOAResult

from ..derivatives.derivative_functions import derivative
from ..derivatives.qfim import qfim

# TODO: Find better place for this

import pandas as pd
from typing import Any

def save_parameter(parameter_name: str, parameter_value: Any):
    filename = "oq_saved_info_" + parameter_name

        opened_csv = pd.read_csv(filename + ".csv")
    except Exception:
        opened_csv = pd.DataFrame(columns=[parameter_name])

    if type(parameter_value) not in [str, float, int]:
        parameter_value = str(parameter_value)

    update_df = pd.DataFrame(data={parameter_name: parameter_value}, index=[0])
    new_df = pd.concat([opened_csv, update_df], ignore_index=True)

    new_df.to_csv(filename + ".csv", index=False)

    print("Parameter Saving Successful")


[docs]class OptimizeVQA(ABC): """ Training Class for optimizing VQA algorithm that wraps around VQABaseBackend and QAOAVariationalBaseParams objects. This function utilizes the `update_from_raw` of the QAOAVariationalBaseParams class and `expectation` method of the VQABaseBackend class to create a wrapper callable which is passed into scipy.optimize.minimize for minimization. Only the trainable parameters should be passed instead of the complete AbstractParams object. The construction is completely backend and type of VQA agnostic. This class is an AbstractBaseClass on top of which other specific Optimizer classes are built. .. Tip:: Optimizer that usually work the best for quantum optimization problems * Gradient free optimizer - Cobyla Parameters ---------- vqa_object: Backend object of class VQABaseBackend which contains information on the backend used to perform computations, and the VQA circuit. variational_params: Object of class QAOAVariationalBaseParams, which contains information on the circuit to be executed, the type of parametrisation, and the angles of the VQA circuit. method: which method to use for optimization. Choose a method from the list of supported methods by scipy optimize, or from the list of custom gradient optimisers. optimizer_dict: All extra parameters needed for customising the optimising, as a dictionary. Optimizers that usually work the best for quantum optimization problems: #. Gradient free optimizer: BOBYQA, ImFil, Cobyla #. Gradient based optimizer: L-BFGS, ADAM (With parameter shift gradients) Note: Adam is not a part of scipy, it will added in a future version """ def __init__( self, vqa_object: Type[VQABaseBackend], variational_params: Type[QAOAVariationalBaseParams], optimizer_dict: dict, ): if not isinstance(vqa_object, VQABaseBackend): raise TypeError(f"The specified cost object must be of type VQABaseBackend") self.vqa = vqa_object # extract initial parameters from the params of vqa_object self.variational_params = variational_params self.initial_params = variational_params.raw() self.method = optimizer_dict["method"].lower() self.save_to_csv = optimizer_dict.get("save_intermediate", False) self.log = Logger( { "cost": { "history_update_bool": optimizer_dict.get("cost_progress", True), "best_update_string": "LowestOnly", }, "measurement_outcomes": { "history_update_bool": optimizer_dict.get( "optimization_progress", False ), "best_update_string": "Replace", }, "param_log": { "history_update_bool": optimizer_dict.get("parameter_log", True), "best_update_string": "Replace", }, "eval_number": { "history_update_bool": False, "best_update_string": "Replace", }, "func_evals": { "history_update_bool": False, "best_update_string": "HighestOnly", }, "jac_func_evals": { "history_update_bool": False, "best_update_string": "HighestOnly", }, "qfim_func_evals": { "history_update_bool": False, "best_update_string": "HighestOnly", }, "job_ids": { "history_update_bool": True, "best_update_string": "Replace", }, "n_shots": { "history_update_bool": True, "best_update_string": "Replace", }, }, { "root_nodes": [ "cost", "func_evals", "jac_func_evals", "qfim_func_evals", "n_shots", ], "best_update_structure": ( ["cost", "param_log"], ["cost", "measurement_outcomes"], ["cost", "job_ids"], ["cost", "eval_number"], ), }, ) self.log.log_variables( {"func_evals": 0, "jac_func_evals": 0, "qfim_func_evals": 0} ) @abstractmethod def __repr__(self): """ Overview of the instantiated optimier/trainer. """ string = f"Optimizer for VQA of type: {type(self.vqa).__base__.__name__} \n" string += f"Backend: {type(self.vqa).__name__} \n" string += f"Method: {str(self.method).upper()}\n" return string def __call__(self): """ Call the class instance to initiate the training process. """ self.optimize() return self # def evaluate_jac(self, x):
[docs] def optimize_this(self, x, n_shots=None): """ A function wrapper to execute the circuit in the backend. This function will be passed as argument to be optimized by scipy optimize. Parameters ---------- x: Parameters (a list of floats) over which optimization is performed. n_shots: Number of shots to be used for the backend when computing the expectation. If None, nothing is passed to the backend. Returns ------- cost value: Cost value which is evaluated on the declared backend. Returns ------- : Cost Value evaluated on the declared backed or on the Wavefunction Simulator if specified so """ log_dict = {} self.variational_params.update_from_raw(deepcopy(x)) log_dict.update({"param_log": self.variational_params.raw()}) if hasattr(self.vqa, "log_with_backend") and callable( getattr(self.vqa, "log_with_backend") ): self.vqa.log_with_backend( metric_name="variational_params", value=self.variational_params,[0], ) if self.save_to_csv: save_parameter("param_log", deepcopy(x)) n_shots_dict = {"n_shots": n_shots} if n_shots else {} callback_cost = self.vqa.expectation(self.variational_params, **n_shots_dict) log_dict.update({"cost": callback_cost}) current_eval =[0] current_eval += 1 log_dict.update({"func_evals": current_eval}) log_dict.update( { "eval_number": ( current_eval -[0] -[0] ) } ) # this one will say which evaluation is the optimized one log_dict.update({"measurement_outcomes": self.vqa.measurement_outcomes}) if hasattr(self.vqa, "log_with_backend") and callable( getattr(self.vqa, "log_with_backend") ): self.vqa.log_with_backend( metric_name="measurement_outcomes", value=self.vqa.measurement_outcomes,[0], ) if hasattr(self.vqa, "job_id"): log_dict.update({"job_ids": self.vqa.job_id}) if self.save_to_csv: save_parameter("job_ids", self.vqa.job_id) self.log.log_variables(log_dict) return callback_cost
[docs] @abstractmethod def optimize(self): """ Main method which implements the optimization process. Child classes must implement this method according to their respective optimization process. Returns ------- : The optimized return object from the ``scipy.optimize`` package the result is assigned to the attribute ``opt_result`` """ pass
[docs] def results_dictionary(self, file_path: str = None, file_name: str = None): """ This method formats a dictionary that consists of all the results from the optimization process. The dictionary is returned by this method. The results can also be saved by providing the path to save the pickled file .. Important:: Child classes must implement this method so that the returned object, a ``Dictionary`` is consistent across all Optimizers. TODO: Decide results datatype: dictionary or namedtuple? Parameters ---------- file_path: To save the results locally on the machine in pickle format, specify the entire file path to save the result_dictionary. file_name: Custom name for to save the data; a generic name with the time of optimization is used if not specified """ date_time ="%d.%m.%Y_%H.%M.%S") file_name = f"opt_results_{date_time}" if file_name is None else file_name self.qaoa_result = QAOAResult( self.log, self.method, self.vqa.cost_hamiltonian, type(self.vqa) ) if file_path and os.path.isdir(file_path): print("Saving results locally") pickled_file = open(f"{file_path}/{file_name}.pcl", "wb") pickle.dump(self.qaoa_result, pickled_file) pickled_file.close() return # result_dict
[docs]class ScipyOptimizer(OptimizeVQA): """ Python vanilla scipy based optimizer for the VQA class. .. Tip:: Using bounds may result in lower optimization performance Parameters ---------- vqa_object: Backend object of class VQABaseBackend which contains information on the backend used to perform computations, and the VQA circuit. variational_params: Object of class QAOAVariationalBaseParams, which contains information on the circuit to be executed, the type of parametrisation, and the angles of the VQA circuit. optimizer_dict: * 'jac': gradient as ``Callable``, if defined else ``None`` * 'hess': hessian as ``Callable``, if defined else ``None`` * 'bounds': parameter bounds while training, defaults to ``None`` * 'constraints': Linear/Non-Linear constraints (only for COBYLA, SLSQP and trust-constr) * 'tol': Tolerance for termination * 'maxiter': sets ``maxiters = 100`` by default if not specified. * 'maxfev': sets ``maxfev = 100`` by default if not specified. * 'optimizer_options': dictionary of optimiser-specific arguments, defaults to ``None`` """ GRADIENT_FREE = ["cobyla", "nelder-mead", "powell", "slsqp"] SCIPY_METHODS = MINIMIZE_METHODS def __init__( self, vqa_object: Type[VQABaseBackend], variational_params: Type[QAOAVariationalBaseParams], optimizer_dict: dict, ): super().__init__(vqa_object, variational_params, optimizer_dict) self.vqa_object = vqa_object self._validate_and_set_params(optimizer_dict) def _validate_and_set_params(self, optimizer_dict): """ Verify that the specified arguments are valid for the particular optimizer. """ if self.method not in ScipyOptimizer.SCIPY_METHODS: raise ValueError("Specified method not supported by Scipy Minimize") jac = optimizer_dict.get("jac", None) hess = optimizer_dict.get("hess", None) jac_options = optimizer_dict.get("jac_options", None) hess_options = optimizer_dict.get("hess_options", None) if self.method not in ScipyOptimizer.GRADIENT_FREE and ( jac is None or not isinstance(jac, (Callable, str)) ): raise ValueError( "Please specify either a string or provide callable" "gradient in order to use gradient based methods" ) else: if isinstance(jac, str): self.jac = derivative( self.vqa_object, self.variational_params, self.log, "gradient", jac, jac_options, ) else: self.jac = jac hess = optimizer_dict.get("hess", None) if hess is not None and not isinstance(hess, (Callable, str)): raise ValueError("Hessian needs to be of type Callable or str") else: if isinstance(hess, str): self.hess = derivative( self.vqa_object, self.variational_params, self.log, "hessian", hess, hess_options, ) else: self.hess = hess constraints = optimizer_dict.get("constraints", ()) if ( constraints == () or isinstance(constraints, LinearConstraint) or isinstance(constraints, NonlinearConstraint) ): self.constraints = constraints else: raise ValueError( f"Constraints for Scipy optimization should be of type {LinearConstraint} or {NonlinearConstraint}" ) bounds = optimizer_dict.get("bounds", None) if bounds is None or isinstance(bounds, Bounds): self.bounds = bounds elif isinstance(bounds, List): lb = np.array(bounds).T[0] ub = np.array(bounds).T[1] self.bounds = Bounds(lb, ub) else: raise ValueError( f"Bounds for Scipy optimization should be of type {Bounds}," "or a list in the form [[ub1, lb1], [ub2, lb2], ...]" ) self.options = optimizer_dict.get("optimizer_options", {}) self.options["maxiter"] = optimizer_dict.get("maxiter", None) if optimizer_dict.get("maxfev") is not None: self.options["maxfev"] = optimizer_dict.get("maxfev", None) self.tol = optimizer_dict.get("tol", None) return self def __repr__(self): """ Overview of the instantiated optimier/trainer. """ maxiter = self.options["maxiter"] string = f"Optimizer for VQA of type: {type(self.vqa).__base__.__name__} \n" string += f"Backend: {type(self.vqa).__name__} \n" string += f"Method: {str(self.method).upper()} with Max Iterations: {maxiter}\n" return string
[docs] def optimize(self): """ Main method which implements the optimization process using ``scipy.minimize``. Returns ------- : Returns self after the optimization process is completed. """ try: if self.method not in ScipyOptimizer.GRADIENT_FREE: if self.hess == None: result = minimize( self.optimize_this, x0=self.initial_params, method=self.method, jac=self.jac, tol=self.tol, constraints=self.constraints, options=self.options, bounds=self.bounds, ) else: result = minimize( self.optimize_this, x0=self.initial_params, method=self.method, jac=self.jac, hess=self.hess, tol=self.tol, constraints=self.constraints, options=self.options, bounds=self.bounds, ) else: result = minimize( self.optimize_this, x0=self.initial_params, method=self.method, tol=self.tol, constraints=self.constraints, options=self.options, bounds=self.bounds, ) except ConnectionError as e: print(e, "\n") print( "The optimization has been terminated early. Most likely due to a connection error." "You can retrieve results from the optimization runs that were completed" "through the .result method." ) except Exception as e: raise e finally: self.results_dictionary() return self
[docs]class CustomScipyGradientOptimizer(OptimizeVQA): """ Python custom scipy gradient based optimizer for the VQA class. .. Tip:: Using bounds may result in lower optimization performance Parameters ---------- vqa_object: Backend object of class VQABaseBackend which contains information on the backend used to perform computations, and the VQA circuit. variational_params: Object of class QAOAVariationalBaseParams, which contains information on the circuit to be executed, the type of parametrisation, and the angles of the VQA circuit. optimizer_dict: * 'jac': gradient as ``Callable``, if defined else ``None`` * 'hess': hessian as ``Callable``, if defined else ``None`` * 'bounds': parameter bounds while training, defaults to ``None`` * 'constraints': Linear/Non-Linear constraints (only for COBYLA, SLSQP and trust-constr) * 'tol': Tolerance for termination * 'maxiter': sets ``maxiters = 100`` by default if not specified. * 'maxfev': sets ``maxfev = 100`` by default if not specified. * 'optimizer_options': dictionary of optimiser-specific arguments, defaults to ``None`` """ CUSTOM_GRADIENT_OPTIMIZERS_MAPPER = { "vgd": om.grad_descent, "newton": om.newton_descent, "rmsprop": om.rmsprop, "natural_grad_descent": om.natural_grad_descent, "spsa": om.SPSA, "cans": om.CANS, "icans": om.iCANS, } CUSTOM_GRADIENT_OPTIMIZERS = list(CUSTOM_GRADIENT_OPTIMIZERS_MAPPER.keys()) def __init__( self, vqa_object: Type[VQABaseBackend], variational_params: Type[QAOAVariationalBaseParams], optimizer_dict: dict, ): super().__init__(vqa_object, variational_params, optimizer_dict) self.vqa_object = vqa_object self._validate_and_set_params(optimizer_dict) def _validate_and_set_params(self, optimizer_dict): """ Verify that the specified arguments are valid for the particular optimizer. """ if self.method not in CustomScipyGradientOptimizer.CUSTOM_GRADIENT_OPTIMIZERS: raise ValueError( f"Please choose from the supported methods: {CustomScipyGradientOptimizer.CUSTOM_GRADIENT_OPTIMIZERS}" ) jac = optimizer_dict.get("jac", None) hess = optimizer_dict.get("hess", None) jac_options = optimizer_dict.get("jac_options", None) hess_options = optimizer_dict.get("hess_options", None) if jac is None or not isinstance(jac, (Callable, str)): raise ValueError( "Please specify either a string or provide callable gradient in order to use gradient based methods" ) else: if isinstance(jac, str): if not self.method in ["icans", "cans"]: self.jac = derivative( self.vqa_object, self.variational_params, self.log, "gradient", jac, jac_options, ) else: self.jac = None self.jac_w_variance = derivative( self.vqa_object, self.variational_params, self.log, "gradient_w_variance", jac, jac_options, ) else: self.jac = jac if hess is not None and not isinstance(hess, (Callable, str)): raise ValueError("Hessian needs to be of type Callable or str") else: if isinstance(hess, str): self.hess = derivative( self.vqa_object, self.variational_params, self.log, "hessian", hess, hess_options, ) else: self.hess = hess constraints = optimizer_dict.get("constraints", ()) if ( constraints == () or isinstance(constraints, LinearConstraint) or isinstance(constraints, NonlinearConstraint) ): self.constraints = constraints else: raise ValueError( f"Constraints for Scipy optimization should be of type {LinearConstraint} or {NonlinearConstraint}" ) bounds = optimizer_dict.get("bounds", None) if bounds is None or isinstance(bounds, Bounds): self.bounds = bounds else: raise ValueError( f"Bounds for Scipy optimization should be of type {Bounds}" ) self.options = optimizer_dict.get("optimizer_options", {}) self.options["maxiter"] = optimizer_dict.get("maxiter", None) if optimizer_dict.get("maxfev") is not None: self.options["maxfev"] = optimizer_dict.get("maxfev", None) self.tol = optimizer_dict.get("tol", None) return self def __repr__(self): """ Overview of the instantiated optimier/trainer. """ maxiter = self.options["maxiter"] string = f"Optimizer for VQA of type: {type(self.vqa).__base__.__name__} \n" string += f"Backend: {type(self.vqa).__name__} \n" string += f"Method: {str(self.method).upper()} with Max Iterations: {maxiter}\n" return string
[docs] def optimize(self): """ Main method which implements the optimization process using ``scipy.minimize``. Returns ------- : Returns self after the optimization process is completed. The optimized result is assigned to the attribute ``opt_result`` """ # set the optimizer function to the `method` variable based on the input method = CustomScipyGradientOptimizer.CUSTOM_GRADIENT_OPTIMIZERS_MAPPER[ self.method ] if self.method == "natural_grad_descent": self.options["qfim"] = qfim( self.vqa_object, self.variational_params, self.log ) elif self.method == "spsa": print("Warning : SPSA is an experimental feature.") elif self.method in ["cans", "icans"]: self.options["jac_w_variance"] = self.jac_w_variance self.options["coeffs"] = self.vqa_object.cost_hamiltonian.coeffs self.options["n_shots_cost"] = ( self.vqa_object.n_shots if not isinstance(self.vqa_object, QAOAvectorizedBackendSimulator) else 0 ) try: if self.hess == None: result = minimize( self.optimize_this, x0=self.initial_params, method=method, jac=self.jac, tol=self.tol, constraints=self.constraints, options=self.options, bounds=self.bounds, ) else: result = minimize( self.optimize_this, x0=self.initial_params, method=method, jac=self.jac, hess=self.hess, tol=self.tol, constraints=self.constraints, options=self.options, bounds=self.bounds, ) except ConnectionError as e: print(e, "\n") print( "The optimization has been terminated early. Most likely due to a connection error." "You can retrieve results from the optimization runs that were completed" "through the .result method." ) except Exception as e: raise e finally: self.results_dictionary() return self
[docs]class PennyLaneOptimizer(OptimizeVQA): """ Python custom scipy optimization with pennylane optimizers for the VQA class. .. Tip:: Using bounds may result in lower optimization performance Parameters ---------- vqa_object: Backend object of class VQABaseBackend which contains information on the backend used to perform computations, and the VQA circuit. variational_params: Object of class QAOAVariationalBaseParams, which contains information on the circuit to be executed, the type of parametrisation, and the angles of the VQA circuit. optimizer_dict: * 'jac': gradient as ``Callable``, if defined else ``None`` * 'hess': hessian as ``Callable``, if defined else ``None`` * 'bounds': parameter bounds while training, defaults to ``None`` * 'constraints': Linear/Non-Linear constraints (only for COBYLA, SLSQP and trust-constr) * 'tol': Tolerance for termination * 'maxiter': sets ``maxiters = 100`` by default if not specified. * 'maxfev': sets ``maxfev = 100`` by default if not specified. * 'optimizer_options': dictionary of optimiser-specific arguments, defaults to ``None``. Used also for the pennylande optimizers (and step function) arguments. """ PENNYLANE_OPTIMIZERS = list(ompl.AVAILABLE_OPTIMIZERS.keys()) def __init__( self, vqa_object: Type[VQABaseBackend], variational_params: Type[QAOAVariationalBaseParams], optimizer_dict: dict, ): super().__init__(vqa_object, variational_params, optimizer_dict) self.vqa_object = vqa_object self._validate_and_set_params(optimizer_dict) def _validate_and_set_params(self, optimizer_dict): """ Verify that the specified arguments are valid for the particular optimizer. """ if self.method not in PennyLaneOptimizer.PENNYLANE_OPTIMIZERS: raise ValueError( f"Please choose from the supported methods: {PennyLaneOptimizer.PENNYLANE_OPTIMIZERS}" ) jac = optimizer_dict.get("jac", None) jac_options = optimizer_dict.get("jac_options", None) if jac is None or not isinstance(jac, (Callable, str)): raise ValueError( "Please specify either a string or provide callable gradient in order to use gradient based methods" ) else: if isinstance(jac, str): self.jac = derivative( self.vqa_object, self.variational_params, self.log, "gradient", jac, jac_options, ) else: self.jac = jac constraints = optimizer_dict.get("constraints", ()) if ( constraints == () or isinstance(constraints, LinearConstraint) or isinstance(constraints, NonlinearConstraint) ): self.constraints = constraints else: raise ValueError( f"Constraints for Scipy optimization should be of type {LinearConstraint} or {NonlinearConstraint}" ) bounds = optimizer_dict.get("bounds", None) if bounds is None or isinstance(bounds, Bounds): self.bounds = bounds else: raise ValueError( f"Bounds for Scipy optimization should be of type {Bounds}" ) self.options = optimizer_dict.get("optimizer_options", {}) self.options["maxiter"] = optimizer_dict.get("maxiter", None) if optimizer_dict.get("maxfev") is not None: self.options["maxfev"] = optimizer_dict.get("maxfev", None) self.tol = optimizer_dict.get("tol", None) return self def __repr__(self): """ Overview of the instantiated optimier/trainer. """ maxiter = self.options["maxiter"] string = f"Optimizer for VQA of type: {type(self.vqa).__base__.__name__} \n" string += f"Backend: {type(self.vqa).__name__} \n" string += f"Method: {str(self.method).upper()} with Max Iterations: {maxiter}\n" return string
[docs] def optimize(self): """ Main method which implements the optimization process using ``scipy.minimize``. Returns ------- : Returns self after the optimization process is completed. The optimized result is assigned to the attribute ``opt_result`` """ # set the optimizer function method = ompl.pennylane_optimizer # set the method to be used for the optimization self.options["pennylane_method"] = self.method if self.options["pennylane_method"] in [ "pennylane_spsa", "pennylane_rotosolve", ]: self.jac = None try: result = minimize( self.optimize_this, x0=self.initial_params, method=method, jac=self.jac, tol=self.tol, constraints=self.constraints, options=self.options, bounds=self.bounds, ) except ConnectionError as e: print(e, "\n") print( "The optimization has been terminated early. Most likely due to a connection error." "You can retrieve results from the optimization runs that were completed" "through the .result method." ) except Exception as e: raise e finally: self.results_dictionary() return self