import networkx as nx
import inspect
from .problem import Problem
from .knapsack import Knapsack, SlackFreeKnapsack
from .maximumcut import MaximumCut
from .minimumvertexcover import MinimumVertexCover
from .numberpartition import NumberPartition
from .shortestpath import ShortestPath
from .tsp import TSP, TSP_LP
from .vehiclerouting import VRP
from .maximalindependentset import MIS
from .kcolor import KColor
from .binpacking import BinPacking
from .portfoliooptimization import PortfolioOptimization
from .sherrington_kirkpatrick import SK
from .bpsp import BPSP
from .qubo import QUBO
[docs]def create_problem_from_dict(problem_instance: dict) -> Problem:
Creates an object of the class corresponding to the problem type
in the input instance, with the same attributes as the input instance.
problem_instance: dict
The input instance.
An object of the class corresponding to the problem type in the input instance.
# copy the instance to avoid modifying the original instance
problem_instance = problem_instance.copy()
# mapper from problem type to class
problem_mapper = {
"generic_qubo": QUBO,
"tsp": TSP,
"tsp_lp": TSP_LP,
"number_partition": NumberPartition,
"maximum_cut": MaximumCut,
"knapsack": Knapsack,
"slack_free_knapsack": SlackFreeKnapsack,
"minimum_vertex_cover": MinimumVertexCover,
"shortest_path": ShortestPath,
"vehicle_routing": VRP,
"maximal_independent_set": MIS,
"bin_packing": BinPacking,
"k_color": KColor,
"portfolio_optimization": PortfolioOptimization,
"sherrington_kirkpatrick": SK,
"binary_paint_shop_problem": BPSP,
# check if the problem type is in the mapper
assert (
problem_instance["problem_type"] in problem_mapper
), f"Problem type {problem_instance['problem_type']} not supported."
# get the class corresponding to the problem type
problem_class = problem_mapper[problem_instance.pop("problem_type", "generic_qubo")]
# check if the problem type is QUBO, if so, raise an exception
if problem_class is QUBO:
raise Exception(
"This method does not work for generic QUBO."
"The input instance has type `generic_qubo`."
"You can use the `from_dict` method of the `QUBO` class instead."
# if the instance has a graph, convert it to a networkx graph
if "G" in problem_instance:
problem_instance["G"] = nx.node_link_graph(problem_instance["G"])
# erase the keys that are not arguments of the class
arguments = inspect.getfullargspec(problem_class).args[1:]
for key in problem_instance.copy():
if key not in arguments:
del problem_instance[key]
# create the problem instance and return it
return problem_class(**problem_instance)