import itertools
import numpy as np
from ..utilities import check_kwargs
from .problem import Problem
from .qubo import QUBO
[docs]class Knapsack(Problem):
Creates an instance of the Kanpsack problem.
values: List[int]
The values of the items that can be placed in the kanpsack.
weights: List[int]
The weight of the items that can be placed in the knapsack.
weight_capacity: int
The maximum weight the knapsack can hold.
penalty: float
Penalty for the weight constraint.
An instance of the Knapsack problem.
__name__ = "knapsack"
def __init__(self, values, weights, weight_capacity, penalty):
# Check whether the input is valid. Number of values should match the number of weights.
if len(values) != len(weights):
raise ValueError("Number of items does not match given value and weights")
self.values = values
self.weights = weights
self.weight_capacity = weight_capacity
self.penalty = penalty
self.n_items = len(weights)
def values(self):
return self._values
def values(self, input_values):
if not isinstance(input_values, list):
raise TypeError("The input parameter, values, has to be a list")
for each_entry in input_values:
if not isinstance(each_entry, int):
raise TypeError("The elements in values list must be of type int.")
self._values = input_values
def weights(self):
return self._weights
def weights(self, input_weights):
if not isinstance(input_weights, list):
raise TypeError("The input parameter, weights, has to be a list")
for each_entry in input_weights:
if not isinstance(each_entry, int):
raise TypeError("The elements in weights list must be of type int.")
self._weights = input_weights
def weight_capacity(self):
return self._weight_capacity
def weight_capacity(self, input_weight_capacity):
if not isinstance(input_weight_capacity, int):
raise TypeError(
"The input parameter, weight_capacity, has to be of type int"
if input_weight_capacity <= 0:
raise TypeError(
"The input parameter, weight_capacity, must be a positive integer greater than 0"
self._weight_capacity = input_weight_capacity
def penalty(self):
return self._penalty
def penalty(self, input_penalty):
if not isinstance(input_penalty, int) and not isinstance(input_penalty, float):
raise TypeError(
"The input parameter, penalty, has to be of type float or int"
self._penalty = input_penalty
[docs] @staticmethod
def random_instance(**kwargs):
Creates a random instance of the Knapsack problem.
n_items: int
The number of items that can be placed in the knapsack.
A random instance of the Knapsack problem.
n_items = check_kwargs(["n_items"], [None], **kwargs)[0]
# Set a random number generator
seed = kwargs.get("seed", None)
seed = seed if isinstance(seed, int) else None
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
values = list(map(int, rng.integers(1, n_items, size=n_items)))
weights = list(map(int, rng.integers(1, n_items, size=n_items)))
min_weights = np.min(weights)
max_weights = np.max(weights)
if min_weights != max_weights:
weight_capacity = int(
rng.integers(min_weights * n_items, max_weights * n_items)
weight_capacity = int(rng.integers(max_weights, max_weights * n_items))
penalty = 2 * np.max(values)
return Knapsack(values, weights, weight_capacity, int(penalty))
[docs] def terms_and_weights(self):
n_variables_slack = int(np.ceil(np.log2(self.weight_capacity)))
n_variables = self.n_items + n_variables_slack
# Edges between variables to represent slack value (the s_j's)
edges_slacks = itertools.combinations(range(n_variables_slack), 2)
edges_slacks_with_weights = [
(list(e), 2 * self.penalty * (2 ** e[0]) * (2 ** e[1]))
for e in edges_slacks
# Edges between decision variables for weights (the x_i's)
edges_decision_vars = itertools.combinations(
range(n_variables_slack, n_variables), 2
edges_decision_vars_with_weights = [
* self.penalty
* self.weights[e[0] - n_variables_slack]
* self.weights[e[1] - n_variables_slack],
for e in edges_decision_vars
# Edges between decisions and variables to represent slack value (the x_i's and s_j's)
edges_slacks_decision_vars = itertools.product(
range(n_variables_slack), range(n_variables_slack, n_variables)
edges_slacks_decision_vars_with_weights = [
2 * self.penalty * (2 ** e[0]) * self.weights[e[1] - n_variables_slack],
for e in edges_slacks_decision_vars
# Linear terms for the variables to represent slack value (s_j's)
single_interaction_slacks = [
([i], self.penalty * (2 ** (2 * i) - 2 * self.weight_capacity * 2**i))
for i in range(n_variables_slack)
# Linear terms for the decision variables (the x_i's)
single_interaction_decisions_vars = [
self.penalty * self.weights[i - n_variables_slack] ** 2
- 2
* self.penalty
* self.weight_capacity
* self.weights[i - n_variables_slack]
- self.values[i - n_variables_slack],
for i in range(n_variables_slack, n_variables)
# The constant term
constant_term = [([], self.penalty * self.weight_capacity**2)]
# Unzip to retrieve terms and weights in separate sequences
return tuple(
+ edges_decision_vars_with_weights
+ edges_slacks_decision_vars_with_weights
+ single_interaction_slacks
+ single_interaction_decisions_vars
+ constant_term
def qubo(self):
Returns the QUBO encoding of this problem.
The QUBO encoding of this problem.
n_variables_slack = int(np.ceil(np.log2(self.weight_capacity)))
n = self.n_items + n_variables_slack
terms, weights = self.terms_and_weights()
# Convert to Ising equivalent since variables are in {0, 1} rather than {-1, 1}
ising_terms, ising_weights = QUBO.convert_qubo_to_ising(n, terms, weights)
return QUBO(n, ising_terms, ising_weights, self.problem_instance)
[docs]class SlackFreeKnapsack(Knapsack):
A slack variable free approach to the Knapsack problem Hamiltonian.
The Hamiltonian consists of decision qubits with a quadratic penalty term centred
on `W`, i.e. the maximum Knapsack Capacity.
Creates an instance of the SlackFreeKanpsack problem.
values: List[int]
The values of the items that can be placed in the kanpsack.
weights: List[int]
The weight of the items that can be placed in the knapsack.
weight_capacity: int
The maximum weight the knapsack can hold.
penalty: float
Penalty for the weight constraint.
An instance of the SlackFreeKnapsack problem.
__name__ = "slack_free_knapsack"
def __init__(self, values, weights, weight_capacity, penalty):
super().__init__(values, weights, weight_capacity, penalty)
[docs] @staticmethod
def random_instance(**kwargs):
Creates a random instance of the Knapsack problem.
n_items: int
The number of items that can be placed in the knapsack.
A random instance of the Knapsack problem.
n_items = check_kwargs(["n_items"], [None], **kwargs)[0]
# Set a random number generator
seed = kwargs.get("seed", None)
seed = seed if isinstance(seed, int) else None
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
values = list(map(int, rng.integers(1, n_items, size=n_items)))
weights = list(map(int, rng.integers(1, n_items, size=n_items)))
min_weights = np.min(weights)
max_weights = np.max(weights)
if min_weights != max_weights:
weight_capacity = int(
rng.integers(min_weights * n_items, max_weights * n_items)
weight_capacity = int(rng.integers(max_weights, max_weights * n_items))
penalty = 2 * np.max(values)
return SlackFreeKnapsack(values, weights, weight_capacity, int(penalty))
[docs] def terms_and_weights(self):
Implementation of single and two-qubit terms in the slack-free Hamiltonian
for the Knapsack problem.
n_variables = self.n_items
# Edges between decision variables for weights (the x_i's)
edges_decision_vars = itertools.combinations(range(n_variables), 2)
edges_decision_vars_with_weights = [
(list(e), 2 * self.penalty * self.weights[e[0]] * self.weights[e[1]])
for e in edges_decision_vars
# Linear terms for the decision variables (the x_i's)
single_interaction_decisions_vars = [
self.penalty * self.weights[i] ** 2
- 2 * self.penalty * self.weight_capacity * self.weights[i]
- self.values[i],
for i in range(n_variables)
# The constant term
constant_term = [([], self.penalty * self.weight_capacity**2)]
# Unzip to retrieve terms and weights in separate sequences
return tuple(
+ single_interaction_decisions_vars
+ constant_term
def qubo(self):
Returns the QUBO encoding of this problem.
The QUBO encoding of this problem.
n = self.n_items
terms, weights = self.terms_and_weights()
# Convert to Ising equivalent since variables are in {0, 1} rather than {-1, 1}
ising_terms, ising_weights = QUBO.convert_qubo_to_ising(n, terms, weights)
return QUBO(n, ising_terms, ising_weights, self.problem_instance)