Source code for openqaoa.problems.maximumcut

import networkx as nx

from ..utilities import check_kwargs
from .problem import Problem
from .qubo import QUBO

[docs]class MaximumCut(Problem): """ Creates an instance of the Maximum Cut problem. Parameters ---------- G: nx.Graph The input graph as NetworkX graph instance. Returns ------- An instance of the Maximum Cut problem. """ __name__ = "maximum_cut" DEFAULT_EDGE_WEIGHT = 1.0 def __init__(self, G): self.G = G @property def G(self): return self._G @G.setter def G(self, input_networkx_graph): if not isinstance(input_networkx_graph, nx.Graph): raise TypeError("Input problem graph must be a networkx Graph.") # Relabel nodes to integers starting from 0 mapping = dict( zip(input_networkx_graph, range(input_networkx_graph.number_of_nodes())) ) self._G = nx.relabel_nodes(input_networkx_graph, mapping)
[docs] @staticmethod def random_instance(**kwargs): """ Creates a random instance of the Maximum Cut problem, whose graph is random following the Erdos-Renyi model. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: Required keyword arguments are: n_nodes: int The number of nodes (vertices) in the graph. edge_probability: float The probability with which an edge is added to the graph. Returns ------- A random instance of the Maximum Cut problem. """ n_nodes, edge_probability = check_kwargs( ["n_nodes", "edge_probability"], [None, None], **kwargs ) seed = kwargs.get("seed", None) G = nx.generators.random_graphs.fast_gnp_random_graph( n=n_nodes, p=edge_probability, seed=seed ) return MaximumCut(G)
@property def qubo(self): """ Returns the QUBO encoding of this problem. Returns ------- The QUBO encoding of this problem. """ # Iterate over edges (with weight) and store accordingly terms = [] weights = [] for u, v, edge_weight in self.G.edges(data="weight"): terms.append([u, v]) # We expect the edge weight to be given in the attribute called # "weight". If it is None, assume a weight of 1.0 weights.append( edge_weight if edge_weight else MaximumCut.DEFAULT_EDGE_WEIGHT ) return QUBO(self.G.number_of_nodes(), terms, weights, self.problem_instance)