from collections import Counter
import networkx as nx
from ..utilities import check_kwargs
from .problem import Problem
from .qubo import QUBO
[docs]class MinimumVertexCover(Problem):
Creates an instance of the Minimum Vertex Cover problem.
G: nx.Graph
The input graph as NetworkX graph instance.
field: float
The strength of the artificial field minimizing the size of the cover.
penalty: float
The strength of the penalty enforcing the cover constraint.
An instance of the Minimum Vertex Cover problem.
__name__ = "minimum_vertex_cover"
def __init__(self, G, field, penalty):
self.G = G
self.field = field
self.penalty = penalty
def G(self):
return self._G
def G(self, input_networkx_graph):
if not isinstance(input_networkx_graph, nx.Graph):
raise TypeError("Input problem graph must be a networkx Graph.")
# Relabel nodes to integers starting from 0
mapping = dict(
zip(input_networkx_graph, range(input_networkx_graph.number_of_nodes()))
self._G = nx.relabel_nodes(input_networkx_graph, mapping)
def field(self):
return self._field
def field(self, input_field):
if not isinstance(input_field, int) and not isinstance(input_field, float):
raise TypeError(
"The input parameter, field, has to be of type float or int"
self._field = input_field
def penalty(self):
return self._penalty
def penalty(self, input_penalty):
if not isinstance(input_penalty, int) and not isinstance(input_penalty, float):
raise TypeError(
"The input parameter, penalty, has to be of type float or int"
self._penalty = input_penalty
[docs] @staticmethod
def random_instance(**kwargs):
Creates a random instance of the Minimum Vertex Cover problem, whose graph is
random following the Erdos-Renyi model. By default the artificial field is
set to 1.0 and the default penalty os taken to be 10 times larger.
Required keyword arguments are:
n_nodes: int
The number of nodes (vertices) in the graph.
edge_probability: float
The probability with which an edge is added to the graph.
A random instance of the Minimum Vertex Cover problem.
n_nodes, edge_probability = check_kwargs(
["n_nodes", "edge_probability"], [None, None], **kwargs
seed = kwargs.get("seed", None)
G = nx.generators.random_graphs.fast_gnp_random_graph(
n=n_nodes, p=edge_probability, seed=seed
return MinimumVertexCover(G, DEFAULT_FIELD, DEFAULT_PENALTY)
[docs] def terms_and_weights(self):
Creates the terms and weights for the Minimum Vertex Cover problem
terms_weights: tuple(list[list],list[float])
Tuple containing list of terms and list of weights.
# Number of nodes
n_nodes = self.G.number_of_nodes()
# Number of edges
edges = list(self.G.edges())
# Connectivity of each node
node_repetition = [e for edge in edges for e in edge]
connectivity = dict(Counter(node_repetition))
# Quadratic interation from penalty term
quadratic_interaction = [(list(e), self.penalty / 4) for e in edges]
# Linear terms from the artificial field
linear_interaction = [
([i], -self.field / 2 + connectivity[i] * self.penalty / 4)
if connectivity.get(i) is not None
else ([i], -self.field / 2)
for i in range(n_nodes)
# Constant term
constant_term = [([], n_nodes * self.field / 2 + len(edges) * self.penalty / 4)]
# Generate tuple containing a list with the terms and a list with the weights
terms_weights = tuple(
zip(*(quadratic_interaction + linear_interaction + constant_term))
# Unzip to retrieve terms and weights in separate sequences
return terms_weights
def qubo(self):
Returns the QUBO encoding of this problem.
The QUBO encoding of this problem.
# Extract terms and weights from the problem definition
terms, weights = self.terms_and_weights()
return QUBO(
self.G.number_of_nodes(), list(terms), list(weights), self.problem_instance