Source code for openqaoa_pyquil.backends.devices

from typing import List
# from qcs_api_client.client import QCSClientConfiguration
from pyquil.api import QCSClient
# from pyquil.api._engagement_manager import EngagementManager
from pyquil import get_qc

from openqaoa.backends.devices_core import DeviceBase

[docs]class DevicePyquil(DeviceBase): """ Contains the required information and methods needed to access remote Rigetti QPUs via Pyquil. Attributes ---------- n_qubits: `int` The maximum number of qubits available for the selected backend. Available upon proper initialisation of the class. """ def __init__( self, device_name: str, as_qvm: bool = None, noisy: bool = None, compiler_timeout: float = 20.0, execution_timeout: float = 20.0, client_configuration: QCSClient = None, endpoint_id: str = None, # engagement_manager: EngagementManager = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- device_name: str The name of the desired quantum computer. This should correspond to a name returned by :py:func:`list_quantum_computers`. Names ending in "-qvm" will return a QVM. Names ending in "-pyqvm" will return a :py:class:`PyQVM`. Names ending in "-noisy-qvm" will return a QVM with a noise model. Otherwise, we will return a QPU with the given name. as_qvm: bool An optional flag to force construction of a QVM (instead of a QPU). If specified and set to ``True``, a QVM-backed quantum computer will be returned regardless of the name's suffix. noisy: bool An optional flag to force inclusion of a noise model. If specified and set to ``True``, a quantum computer with a noise model will be returned regardless of the name's suffix. The generic QVM noise model is simple T1 and T2 noise plus readout error. See :py:func:`~pyquil.noise.decoherence_noise_with_asymmetric_ro`. Note, we currently do not support noise models based on QCS hardware; a value of `True`` will result in an error if the requested QPU is a QCS hardware QPU. compiler_timeout: float Time limit for compilation requests, in seconds. execution_timeout: float Time limit for execution requests, in seconds. client_configuration: QCSClient Optional client configuration. If none is provided, a default one will be loaded. endpoint_id: str Optional quantum processor endpoint ID, as used in the `QCS API Docs`_. # engagement_manager: EngagementManager # Optional engagement manager. If none is provided, a default one will # be created. """ self.device_name = device_name self.device_location = "qcs" self.as_qvm = as_qvm self.noisy = noisy self.compiler_timeout = compiler_timeout self.execution_timeout = execution_timeout self.client_configuration = client_configuration self.endpoint_id = endpoint_id # self.engagement_manager = engagement_manager self.quantum_computer = get_qc( name=self.device_name, as_qvm=self.as_qvm, noisy=self.noisy, compiler_timeout=self.compiler_timeout, execution_timeout=self.execution_timeout, client_configuration=self.client_configuration, endpoint_id=self.endpoint_id, # engagement_manager=self.engagement_manager, ) self.n_qubits = len(self.quantum_computer.qubits())
[docs] def check_connection(self) -> bool: """This method should allow a user to easily check if the credentials provided to access the remote QPU is valid. If no device was specified in initialisation of object, just runs a test connection without a specific device. If device was specified, checks if connection to that device can be established. TODO : Accessing Rigetti's QCS is currently unsupported, so this part is empty until that is figured out. """ return True
[docs] def connectivity(self) -> List[List[int]]: # returns a networkx graph of qubit topology G = self.quantum_computer.qubit_topology() connectivity_as_list = list(G.edges()) return connectivity_as_list