Source code for openqaoa_pyquil.backends.qaoa_pyquil_qpu

from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from pyquil import Program, gates, quilbase
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import warnings

from .devices import DevicePyquil
from .gates_pyquil import PyquilGateApplicator
from openqaoa.backends.basebackend import (
from openqaoa.qaoa_components import QAOADescriptor
from openqaoa.qaoa_components.variational_parameters.variational_baseparams import (
from openqaoa.qaoa_components.ansatz_constructor.gatemap import RZZGateMap, SWAPGateMap, GateMap
from openqaoa.qaoa_components.ansatz_constructor.rotationangle import RotationAngle
from openqaoa.utilities import generate_uuid

def check_edge_connectivity(executable: Program, device: DevicePyquil):
    Check that the program does not contain 2-qubit terms that is not present
    in the QPU's topology (to prevent quilc from crashing).

    executable: `Program`
        pyQuil executable program.
    device: `DevicePyquil`
        An object of the class ``DevicePyquil`` which contains information on
        pyQuil's `QuantumComputer` object, used to extract the selected QPU's topology.


    qpu_graph = device.quantum_computer.qubit_topology()

    instrs = [instr for instr in executable if type(instr) == quilbase.Gate]
    pair_instrs = [
        list(instr.get_qubit_indices()) for instr in instrs if len(instr.get_qubit_indices()) == 2

    for term in pair_instrs:
        if len(term) == 2:
            assert (
                term in qpu_graph.edges()
            ), f"Term {term} is not an edge on the QPU graph of {device.device_name}."

[docs]class QAOAPyQuilQPUBackend( QAOABaseBackendParametric, QAOABaseBackendCloud, QAOABaseBackendShotBased ): """ A QAOA backend object for real Rigetti QPUs Parameters ---------- device: `DevicePyquil` The device object to access pyquil devices with credentials. qaoa_descriptor: `QAOADescriptor` An object of the class ``QAOADescriptor`` which contains information on circuit construction and depth of the circuit. n_shots: `int` The number of shots to be taken for each circuit. prepend_state: `pyquil.Program` The state prepended to the circuit. append_state: `pyquil.Program` The state appended to the circuit. init_hadamard: `bool` Whether to apply a Hadamard gate to the beginning of the QAOA part of the circuit. cvar_alpha: `float` Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) – a measure that takes into account only the tail of the probability distribution arising from the circut's count dictionary. Must be between 0 and 1. Check for further details. active_reset: Whether to use the pyQuil's active reset scheme to reset qubits between shots. rewiring: Rewiring scheme to be used for Pyquil. Either PRAGMA INITIAL_REWIRING "NAIVE" or PRAGMA INITIAL_REWIRING "PARTIAL". If None, pyquil defaults according to: NAIVE: The qubits used in all instructions in the program satisfy the topological constraints of the device. PARTIAL: Otherwise. """ def __init__( self, device: DevicePyquil, qaoa_descriptor: QAOADescriptor, n_shots: int, prepend_state: Program, append_state: Program, init_hadamard: bool, cvar_alpha: float, active_reset: bool = False, rewiring: str = "", initial_qubit_mapping: Optional[List[int]] = None, ): QAOABaseBackendShotBased.__init__( self, qaoa_descriptor, n_shots, prepend_state, append_state, init_hadamard, cvar_alpha, ) QAOABaseBackendCloud.__init__(self, device) self.gate_applicator = PyquilGateApplicator() self.active_reset = active_reset self.rewiring = rewiring self.qureg = list(range(self.n_qubits)) self.problem_reg = self.qureg[0 : self.problem_qubits] if self.initial_qubit_mapping is None: self.initial_qubit_mapping = ( initial_qubit_mapping if initial_qubit_mapping is not None else list(range(self.n_qubits)) ) else: if isinstance(initial_qubit_mapping, list): warnings.warn( "Ignoring the initial_qubit_mapping since the routing algorithm chose one" ) # self.qureg_placeholders = QubitPlaceholder.register(self.n_qubits) self.qubit_mapping = dict(zip(self.qureg, self.initial_qubit_mapping)) if self.prepend_state: assert self.n_qubits >= len(prepend_state.get_qubit_indices()), ( "Cannot attach a bigger circuit " "to the QAOA routine" ) if self.device.n_qubits < self.n_qubits: raise Exception( "There are lesser qubits on the device than the number of qubits required for the circuit." ) self.parametric_circuit = self.parametric_qaoa_circuit # Check program connectivity against QPU connectivity # TODO: reconcile with PRAGMA PRESERVE # check_edge_connectivity(self.prog_exe, device)
[docs] def obtain_angles_for_pauli_list( self, input_gate_list: List[GateMap], params: QAOAVariationalBaseParams ) -> List[Tuple[float, str]]: """ This method uses the pauli gate list information to obtain the pauli angles from the VariationalBaseParams object. The floats in the list are in the order of the input GateMaps list. Parameters ---------- input_gate_list: `List[GateMap]` The GateMap list including rotation gates params: `QAOAVariationalBaseParams` The variational parameters(angles) to be assigned to the circuit gates Returns ------- angles_list: `List[Tuple[float, str]]` The list of angles and their names in the order of gates in the `GateMap` list """ angle_list = [] for each_gate in input_gate_list: gate_label_layer = each_gate.gate_label.layer gate_label_seq = each_gate.gate_label.sequence if each_gate.gate_label.n_qubits == 2: if each_gate.gate_label.type.value == "MIXER": angle_list.append( (params.mixer_2q_angles[gate_label_layer, gate_label_seq], f"twoq_mixer_seq{gate_label_seq}_layer{gate_label_layer}") ) elif each_gate.gate_label.type.value == "COST": angle_list.append( (params.cost_2q_angles[gate_label_layer, gate_label_seq], f"twoq_cost_seq{gate_label_seq}_layer{gate_label_layer}") ) elif each_gate.gate_label.n_qubits == 1: if each_gate.gate_label.type.value == "MIXER": angle_list.append( (params.mixer_1q_angles[gate_label_layer, gate_label_seq], f"oneq_mixer_seq{gate_label_seq}_layer{gate_label_layer}") ) elif each_gate.gate_label.type.value == "COST": angle_list.append( (params.cost_1q_angles[gate_label_layer, gate_label_seq], f"oneq_cost_seq{gate_label_seq}_layer{gate_label_layer}") ) return angle_list
[docs] def qaoa_circuit(self, params: QAOAVariationalBaseParams) -> Tuple[Program, dict]: """ Injects angles into created executable parametric circuit. Parameters ---------- params: `QAOAVariationalBaseParams` Returns ------- `pyquil.Program` A pyquil.Program (executable) object. dict A dictionary of the memory map for the program. """ parametric_circuit = deepcopy(self.parametric_circuit) # declare the read-out register ro = parametric_circuit.declare("ro", "BIT", self.problem_qubits) if self.append_state: parametric_circuit += self.append_state if self.final_mapping is None: for i, qbit in enumerate(self.problem_reg): parametric_circuit += gates.MEASURE(self.qubit_mapping[qbit], ro[i]) else: # Measurement instructions for i, qubit in enumerate(self.final_mapping[0 : len(self.problem_reg)]): cbit = ro[i] parametric_circuit += gates.MEASURE(self.qubit_mapping[qubit], cbit) parametric_circuit.wrap_in_numshots_loop(self.n_shots) angle_values_and_names= self.obtain_angles_for_pauli_list(self.abstract_circuit, params) memory_map = {value_name[1] : [value_name[0]] for value_name in angle_values_and_names} prog_exe = self.device.quantum_computer.compile(parametric_circuit) return prog_exe, memory_map
@property def parametric_qaoa_circuit(self) -> Program: """ Creates a parametric QAOA circuit (pyquil.Program object), given the qubit pairs, single qubits with biases, and a set of circuit angles. Note that this function does not actually run the circuit. Parameters ---------- params: `QAOAVariationalBaseParams` Returns ------- `pyquil.Program` A pyquil.Program object. """ if self.active_reset: parametric_circuit = Program(gates.RESET()) else: parametric_circuit = Program() if self.rewiring != None: if self.rewiring in [ 'PRAGMA INITIAL_REWIRING "NAIVE"', 'PRAGMA INITIAL_REWIRING "PARTIAL"', "", ]: parametric_circuit += Program(self.rewiring) else: raise ValueError( "Rewiring command not recognized. Please use " 'PRAGMA INITIAL_REWIRING "NAIVE"' " or " 'PRAGMA INITIAL_REWIRING "PARTIAL"' "" ) if self.prepend_state: parametric_circuit += self.prepend_state # Initial state is all |+> if self.init_hadamard: for i in self.problem_reg: parametric_circuit += gates.RZ(np.pi, self.qubit_mapping[i]) parametric_circuit += gates.RX(np.pi / 2, self.qubit_mapping[i]) parametric_circuit += gates.RZ(np.pi / 2, self.qubit_mapping[i]) parametric_circuit += gates.RX(-np.pi / 2, self.qubit_mapping[i]) # create a list of gates in order of application on quantum circuit for each_gate in self.abstract_circuit: # if gate is of type mixer or cost gate, assign parameter to it if each_gate.gate_label.type.value in ["MIXER", "COST"]: gatelabel_pyquil = each_gate.gate_label.__repr__() gatelabel_pyquil = ( "one" + gatelabel_pyquil[3:] if each_gate.gate_label.n_qubits == 1 else "two" + gatelabel_pyquil[3:] ) angle_param = parametric_circuit.declare(gatelabel_pyquil.lower(), "REAL", 1) each_gate.angle_value = angle_param if isinstance(each_gate, RZZGateMap) or isinstance(each_gate, SWAPGateMap): decomposition = each_gate.decomposition("standard2") else: decomposition = each_gate.decomposition("standard") # using the list above, construct the circuit for each_tuple in decomposition: if type(each_tuple[1][-1]) == RotationAngle: rotation_angle = each_tuple[1][-1] qubits = each_tuple[1][:-1] else: rotation_angle = None qubits = each_tuple[1] if not isinstance(qubits, list): qubits = [qubits] new_qubits = [self.qubit_mapping[qubit] for qubit in qubits] if rotation_angle is None: gate = each_tuple[0](self.gate_applicator, *new_qubits) else: gate = each_tuple[0]( self.gate_applicator, *new_qubits, rotation_angle ) gate.apply_gate(parametric_circuit) return parametric_circuit
[docs] def get_counts(self, params: QAOAVariationalBaseParams, n_shots=None) -> dict: """ Execute the circuit and obtain the counts. Parameters ---------- params: QAOAVariationalBaseParams The QAOA parameters - an object of one of the parameter classes, containing variable parameters. n_shots: int The number of times to run the circuit. If None, n_shots is set to the default: self.n_shots Returns ------- counts : dictionary A dictionary with the bitstring as the key and the number of counts as its value. """ executable_program, memory_map = self.qaoa_circuit(params) if n_shots is not None: executable_program.wrap_in_numshots_loop(n_shots) result =, memory_map=memory_map) # we create an uuid for the job self.job_id = generate_uuid() # TODO: check the endian (big or little) ordering of measurement outcomes meas_list = [ "".join(str(bit) for bit in bitstring) for bitstring in result.get_register_map().get("ro") ] # Expose counts final_counts = Counter(list(meas_list)) self.measurement_outcomes = final_counts return final_counts
[docs] def circuit_to_qasm(self, params: QAOAVariationalBaseParams) -> str: """ A method to convert the pyQuil program to a OpenQASM string. """ raise NotImplementedError()
# qasm_program = self.device.quantum_computer.compiler.quil_to_qasm(self.qaoa_circuit(params)) # return qasm_program
[docs] def reset_circuit(self): """ Reset self.program after performing a computation. Also handle active reset and rewirings. """ pass