A set of helper functions
Utility and convenience functions for a number of QAOA applications.
- openqaoa.utilities.XY_mixer_hamiltonian(n_qubits, qubit_connectivity='full', coeffs=None)[source]
Construct a Hamiltonian object to implement the XY mixer.
The XY mixer is not implemented with \(RXY\) Gates, but with \(H_{XY}=\frac{1}{2}(\sum_{i,j} X_iX_j+Y_iY_j)\)
- Parameters:
n_qubits (int) – The number of qubits in the system.
qubit_connectivity (Union[List[list],List[tuple], str]) – The connectivity of the qubits in the mixer Hamiltonian.
coeffs (List[float]) – The coefficients of the XY terms in the Hamiltonian.
- Returns:
The Hamiltonian object corresponding to the XY mixer.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.X_mixer_hamiltonian(n_qubits, coeffs=None)[source]
Construct a Hamiltonian object to implement the X mixer.
- Parameters:
n_qubits (int) – The number of qubits in the mixer Hamiltonian.
coeffs (List[float]) – The coefficients of the X terms in the Hamiltonian.
- Returns:
The Hamiltonian object corresponding to the X mixer.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.bitstring_energy(hamiltonian, bitstring)[source]
Computes the energy of a given bitstring with respect to a classical cost Hamiltonian.
- Parameters:
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Hamiltonian object determining the energy levels.
bitstring (list or str) – A list of integers 0 and 1, or a string, representing a configuration.
- Returns:
energy – The energy of the given bitstring with respect to the cost Hamiltonian.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.check_kwargs(list_expected_params, list_default_values, **kwargs)[source]
Checks that the given list of expected parameters can be found in the kwargs given as input. If so, it returns the parameters from kwargs, else it raises an exception.
- Parameters:
list_expected_params – List[str] List of string containing the name of the expected parameters in kwargs
list_default_values – List List containing the deafult values of the expected parameters in kwargs
**kwargs – Keyword arguments where keys are supposed to be the expected params
- Returns:
A tuple with the actual expected parameters if they are found in kwargs.
- Raises:
ValueError – If one of the expected arguments is not found in kwargs and its default value is not specified.
- openqaoa.utilities.convert2serialize(obj, complex_to_string=False)[source]
Recursively converts object to dictionary.
- openqaoa.utilities.delete_keys_from_dict(obj, keys_to_delete)[source]
Recursively delete all the keys keys_to_delete from a object (or list of dictionaries) :type obj:
] :param obj: dictionary or list of dictionaries from which we want to delete keys :type obj: dict or list[dict] :type keys_to_delete:List
] :param keys_to_delete: list of keys to delete from the dictionaries :type keys_to_delete: list
- openqaoa.utilities.dicke_basis(excitations, n_qubits)[source]
Generates the Dicke basis state $|ek>$ with $k$ excitations
- Parameters:
excitations (int) – Number of excitations in the basis vector
n_qubits (int) – Total number of qubits in the system
- Returns:
Total basis states present in the expected Dicke vector in the computational basis
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.dicke_wavefunction(excitations, n_qubits)[source]
Generate the k-excitations dicke statevector
- openqaoa.utilities.energy_expectation(hamiltonian, measurement_counts)[source]
Computes the energy expectation value from a set of measurement counts, with respect to a classical cost Hamiltonian.
- Parameters:
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Hamiltonian object determining the energy levels.
measurement_counts (dict) – Measurement counts dictionary for which to calculate energy expectation.
- Returns:
energy – The energy expectation value for the set of measurement outcomes
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.energy_expectation_analytical(angles, hamiltonian)[source]
Computes the expectation value of the Hamiltonian for an analytical expression.
Only valid for single layer QAOA Ansatz with X mixer Hamiltonian and classical Hamiltonians with up to quadratic terms.
- Parameters:
angles (list or tuple) – QAOA angles at which the Hamiltonian expectation value is computed
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Classical Hamiltonian from which the expectation value is computed.
- openqaoa.utilities.energy_spectrum_hamiltonian(hamiltonian)[source]
Computes exactly the energy spectrum of the hamiltonian defined by terms and weights and its corresponding configuration of variables. Uses standard numpy module.
- Parameters:
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Hamiltonian object whose spectrum is computed.
- Returns:
energies – The energy spectra of the given hamiltonian
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.exp_val_hamiltonian_termwise(hamiltonian, mixer_type, p, qaoa_optimized_angles=None, qaoa_optimized_counts=None, analytical=True)[source]
Computes the single spin expectation values <Z_{i}> and the correlation matrix Mij = <Z_{i}Z_{j}>, using the optimization results obtained from QAOA tranining the specified QAOA cost backend.
- Parameters:
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Hamiltonian object containing the problem statement.
p (int) – Number of layers in QAOA ansatz.
qaoa_optimized_angles (list) – Optimized angles of the underlying QAOA.
qaoa_optimized_counts (dict) – Dictionary containing the measurement counts of optimized QAOA circuit.
analytical (bool) – Boolean that indicates whether to use analytical or numerical expectation calculation methods.
- Returns:
exp_vals_z (np.array) – Single spin expectation values as a numpy array.
corr_matrix (np.array) – Correlation matrix as a numpy Matrix object.
- openqaoa.utilities.exp_val_pair(spins, prob_dict)[source]
Computes the correlation \(Mij = <Z_{i}Z_{j}>\) between qubits i,j using the QAOA optimized wavefunction.
In the presence of linear terms the \(<Z_{i}><Z_{j}>\) contribution needs to be subtracted later. This is done in the exp_val_hamiltonian_termwise() function used as a wrapper for this function.
- Parameters:
spins (tuple) – Tuple containing the spins whose correlation is computed.
prob_dict (dict) – The dictionary containing the configuration probabilities of each spin.
- Returns:
corr – Correlation between the two spins in the term.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.exp_val_pair_analytical(spins, hamiltonian, qaoa_angles)[source]
Computes \(<Z_{i}Z_{j}>\) correlation between apair of spins analytically. It is an extension from the expression derived by Bravyi et al. in https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.08980 which includes the effect of biases.
Only valid for single layer QAOA Ansatz with X mixer Hamiltonian.
In the presence of linear terms the <Z_{i}><Z_{j}> contribution needs to be subtracted later. This is done in the exp_val_hamiltonian_termwise() function used as a wrapper for this function.
OpenQAOA uses a different sign convention for the QAOA Ansatz than Bravy et al. - there is a relative minus sign between the cost function and the mixer in OpenQAOA, which is accounted for in this implementation. Additionally, the result below is valid for a Hadamard state initialization and in the absence of bias terms in the Hamiltonian.
- Parameters:
spins (tuple) – Pair of spins whose correlation we compute.
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Hamiltonian object containing the problem statement.
qaoa_angles (tuple) – Pair of (gamma,beta) angles defined from QAOA ansatz and obtained in the QAOA process.
- Returns:
corr – Correlation <ZZ> between the specified spin pair.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.exp_val_single(spin, prob_dict)[source]
Computes expectation value <Z> of a given spin.
- Parameters:
spin (int) – Spin whose expectation value we compute.
prob_dict (dict) – Dictionary containing the configuration probabilities of each spin.
- Returns:
exp_val – Expectation value of the spin
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.exp_val_single_analytical(spin, hamiltonian, qaoa_angles)[source]
Computes the single spin expectation value \(<Z>\) from an analytically derived expression for a single layer QAOA Ansatz.
Only valid for single layer QAOA Ansatz with X mixer Hamiltonian.
- Parameters:
spin (int) – The spin whose expectation value we compute.
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Hamiltonian object containing the problem statement.
qaoa_angles (tuple) – Pair of (gamma,beta) angles defined from QAOA ansatz and obtained in the QAOA process.
Returns –
------- –
exp_val (float) – Spin expectation value <Z>.
- openqaoa.utilities.flip_counts(counts_dictionary)[source]
Returns a counts/probability dictionary that have their keys flipped. This formats the bit-strings from a right-most bit representing being the first qubit to the left-most bit representing the first qubit.
- Parameters:
counts_dictionary (dict) – Count dictionary whose keys are flipped.
- Returns:
output_counts_dictionary – Count dictionary with flipped keys.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.generate_timestamp()[source]
Generate a timestamp string in UTC+0. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.
- Returns:
timestamp – String representation of a timestamp.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.generate_uuid()[source]
Generate a UUID string.
- Returns:
uuid – String representation of a UUID.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.get_mixer_hamiltonian(n_qubits, mixer_type='x', qubit_connectivity=None, coeffs=None)[source]
- Parameters:
n_qubits (int) – Number of qubits in the Hamiltonian.
mixer_type (str) – Name of the mixer Hamiltonian. Choose from x or xy.
qubit_connectivity (Union[List[list],List[tuple], str], optional) – The connectivity of the qubits in the mixer Hamiltonian.
coeffs (List[float], optional) – The coefficients of the terms in the Hamiltonian.
Returns –
-------- –
Hamiltonian – Hamiltonian object containing the specificied mixer.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.graph_from_hamiltonian(hamiltonian)[source]
Creates a networkx graph corresponding to a specified problem Hamiltonian.
This function cannot handle non-QUBO terms. Linear terms are stored as nodes with weights.
- Parameters:
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – The Hamiltonian of interest. Must be specified a Hamiltonian object.
- Returns:
G – The corresponding networkx graph with the edge weights being the two-qubit coupling coefficients, and the node weights being the single-qubit bias terms.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.ground_state_hamiltonian(hamiltonian, bounded=True)[source]
Computes the exact ground state and ground state energy of a classical Hamiltonian. Uses standard numpy module.
- Parameters:
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Hamiltonian object whose ground state properties are computed.
bounded (bool, optional) – If set to True, the function will not perform computations for qubit numbers above 25. If False, the user can specify any number. Defaults to True.
- Return type:
- Returns:
min_energy (float) – The minimum eigenvalue of the cost Hamiltonian.
config (np.array) – The minimum energy eigenvector as a binary array configuration: qubit-0 as the first element in the sequence.
- openqaoa.utilities.hamiltonian_from_graph(G)[source]
Builds a cost Hamiltonian as a collection of PauliOp objects from a specified networkx graph, extracting any node and edge weights.
- Parameters:
G (networkx.Graph) – The specified networkx graph.
- Returns:
hamiltonian – The Hamiltonian object constructed from the specified graph.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.is_valid_uuid(uuid_to_test)[source]
Check if a string is a valid UUID.
- Parameters:
uuid_to_test (str) – String to check if it is a valid UUID.
- Returns:
is_valid – Boolean indicating if the string is a valid UUID.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.k_cumulative_excitations(k, n_qubits)[source]
Generates the Upper bound excitations basis vector $|Ek>$, which a superposition of all Dicke basis vectors upto excitation number $k$
- Parameters:
k (int) – Upper bound on number of excitations in the basis vector
n_qubits (int) – Total number of qubits in the system
- Returns:
wavefunction – The wavefunction vector for a given cumulative Dicke states with $<=k$ excitations
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.knapsack_balanced_basis(weight_capacity, weights_list, decision_register, slack_register)[source]
Generates the basis where the system register is balanced for Knapsack Hamiltonian, i.e. Slack register compensating the decision register state to cancel the penalty term in Hamiltonian. NOTE: Cannot cancel the penalty term if decision register weight exceeds the weight capacity of the sack
- Parameters:
weight_capacity (
) – The knapsack capacity, i.e. the upper limit on the weights that can be added in the knapsackweights_list (
) – List of item weights in the problemdecision_register (
) – The qubit regsiter of the decision bitsslack_register (
) – The qubit regsiter of the slack bits
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.low_energy_states(hamiltonian, threshold_per)[source]
Return threshold energy and the low energy states of the specified hamiltonian which are below this threshold.
- Parameters:
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Compute the low energy states of this Hamiltonian
threshold_per (float) – Threshold percentage away from the ground state, defining the energy we window we search in for low energy states.
- Return type:
- Returns:
low_energy_threshold (float) – The energy threshold below which we retrieve states.
states (list) – The list of low energy states that lie below the low energy threshold.
.. Important:: – The threshold is calculated as threshols_per factors away from the ground state of the Hamiltonian.
- openqaoa.utilities.low_energy_states_overlap(hamiltonian, threshold_per, prob_dict)[source]
Calculates the overlap between the low energy states of a Hamiltonian, below a specific threshold away from the ground state energy, and an input state, expressed in terms of a probability dictionary.
- Parameters:
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Compute overlap with respect to energies of this Hamiltonian
threshold_per (float) – Threshold percentage away from the ground state, defining the energy we window we search in for low energy states.
prob_dict (dict) – The measurement outcome dictionary generated from the circuit execution.
- Return type:
- Returns:
total_overlap (float) – The total overlap with the low-energy states.
.. Important:: – The threshold is calculated as threshold_per factors away from the ground state of the Hamiltonain. For threshold_per=0 the function returns the ground state overlap of the QAOA output.
- openqaoa.utilities.negate_counts_dictionary(counts_dictionary, s)[source]
Negates every bitstring of the counts dictionary according to the position of the X gates before the measurement. Used in SPAM Twirling. :type counts_dictionary:
:param counts_dictionary: The measurement outcomes obtained from the Simulator/QPU :type counts_dictionary: dict :type s:int
:param s: Syndrome whose binary representation denotes the negated qubits. For example, 4 = 100, signifies that the first qubit had an X gate just before the measurement, which requires the first digit of the every key to be classically negated inside this function. :type s: int- Returns:
The negated counts dictionary
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.permute_counts_dictionary(counts_dictionary, permutation_order)[source]
Permutes the order of the qubits in the counts dictionary to the original order if SWAP gates were used leading to modified qubit layout. :type counts_dictionary:
:param counts_dictionary: The measurement outcomes obtained from the Simulator/QPU :type counts_dictionary: dict :type permutation_order:List
] :param permutation_order: The qubit order to permute the dictionary with :type permutation_order: List[int]- Returns:
The permuted counts dictionary with qubits in the original place
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.plot_energy_spectrum(hamiltonian, high_k_states=None, low_k_states=None, ax=None, cmap='winter')[source]
Compute and plot the energy spectrum of a given hamiltonian on a matplotlib figure.
- Parameters:
hamiltonian (Hamiltonian) – Hamiltonian object whose spectrum is computed.
high_k_states (int, optional) – Optionally plot the highest k energy levels. Defaults to None.
low_k_states (int, optional) – Optionally, plot the lowest k energy levels. Defaults to None.
ax (Matplotlib axes object, optional) – Axes to plot on. Defaults to None.
cmap (str, optional) – Specify the matplotlib colormap to use for plotting. Defaults to ‘winter’.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.plot_graph(G, ax=None, colormap='seismic')[source]
Plots a networkx graph.
- Parameters:
G (Networkx Graph) – The networkx graph of interest.
ax (Matplotlib axes object, optional) – Matplotlib axes to plot on. Defaults to None.
colormap (str, optional) – Colormap to use for plotting. Defaults to ‘seismic’.
- Return type:
- openqaoa.utilities.quick_create_mixer_for_topology(input_gatemap, n_qubits, qubit_connectivity='full', coeffs=None)[source]
Quickly generates a gatemap list and coeffs for a specific topology. Can only be used with 2-Qubit Gates.
- Parameters:
input_gatemap (TwoQubitRotationGateMap) – The GateMap whose connectivity we are trying to create.
n_qubits (int) – The number of qubits in the system.
qubit_connectivity (Union[List[list],List[tuple], str]) – The connectivity of the qubits in the mixer.
coeffs (List[float], optional) – The coefficients of the GateMap in the Mixer Blocks.
- Returns:
Returns tuple containing the list of gatemaps and their associated coefficients. If no coefficients were on initialisation provided, a default of 1.0 is used for all gatemap objects.
- Return type:
Tuple[List[TwoQubitRotationGateMap], List[float]]
- openqaoa.utilities.random_classical_hamiltonian(reg, seed=None, weighted=True, biases=True, constant=0)[source]
Creates a random classical cost hamiltonian.
- Parameters:
reg (list) – Register to build the hamiltonian on.
seed (int, optional) – A seed for the random number generator. Defaults to None.
weighted (bool, optional) – Whether the edge weights should be uniform or different. If false, all weights are set to 1. If true, the weight is set to a random number drawn from the uniform distribution in the interval 0 to 1. Defaults to True.
biases (bool, optional) – Whether or not the graph nodes should be assigned a weight. If true, the weight is set to a random number drawn from the uniform distribution in the interval 0 to 1. Defaults to True.
constant (int, optional) – The constant term in the Hamiltonian. Defaults to 0.
- Return type:
- Returns:
random_hamil (Hamiltonian) – A random hamiltonian with randomly selected terms and coefficients and with the specified constant term.
.. Important:: – Randomly selects which qubits that will have a bias term, then assigns them a bias coefficient. Randomly selects which qubit pairs will have a coupling term, then assigns them a coupling coefficient. In both cases, the random coefficient is drawn from the uniform distribution on the interval [0,1).
- openqaoa.utilities.random_k_regular_graph(degree, nodes, seed=None, weighted=False, biases=False)[source]
Produces a random graph with specified number of nodes, each having degree k.
- Parameters:
degree (int) – Desired degree for the nodes.
nodes (list) – The node set of the graph.
seed (int, optional) – A seed for the random number generator.
weighted (bool, optional) – Whether the edge weights should be uniform or different. If false, all weights are set to 1. If true, the weight is set to a random number drawn from the uniform distribution in the interval 0 to 1.
biases (bool, optional) – Whether or not the graph nodes should be assigned a weight. If true, the weight is set to a random number drawn from the uniform distribution in the interval 0 to 1.
- Returns:
nx.Graph – A graph with the properties as specified.
- Return type:
Networkx Graph
- openqaoa.utilities.ring_of_disagrees(reg)[source]
Builds the cost Hamiltonian for the “Ring of Disagrees”.
- Parameters:
reg (list) – register of qubits in the system.
- Return type:
- Returns:
ring_hamil (Hamiltonian) – Hamiltonian object containing Ring of Disagrees model.
.. Important:: – This model is introduced in https://arxiv.org/abs/1411.4028
- openqaoa.utilities.round_value(function)[source]
Round a value to a given precision. This function will be used as a decorator to round the values given by the
methods.- Parameters:
function (Callable) – The function to be decorated
- Returns:
The rounded value(s)